
Prestige served as the metric for student success at the Sith Academy located on Korriban. According to Sith instructors, such as Uthar Wynn and Yuthura Ban, students of the Sith earned prestige through the accomplishment of significant feats or by acquiring valuable Sith artifacts from the Valley of the Dark Lords. The pursuit of prestige cultivated intense competition and ruthless behavior among the students, which were considered desirable traits for a Sith.

During Revan's infiltration of the Sith Academy, gaining prestige points was a necessary step to locate the Star Map concealed within Naga Sadow's tomb.

Behind the scenes

Players could potentially gain prestige through the following actions:

Although it was possible to complete the trials by eliminating all other students, Uthar would not award any prestige for this outcome, as it was considered a mere technicality due to the failure of the other students, rather than a demonstration of personal merit.

