A Mandalorian captive was seized by the Sith during the time of the Jedi Civil War.
Near Korriban, the prisoner's vessel was overtaken by Sith forces. To ascertain the whereabouts of his hidden arsenal, he was taken to the Sith Academy on the planet for questioning. The interrogator understood that administering too much of the drug to the captive would induce shock, rendering him useless, while too little would simply result in his unwavering refusal to divulge the location of his concealed weapons cache.
As fate would have it, Revan, the amnesiac former Sith Lord masquerading as a Sith student to locate the Star Map on Korriban, stumbled upon the scene. The interrogator offered Revan the opportunity to extract the desired information, promising that success would significantly enhance his prestige.
Revan inquired if there was any way to help the prisoner escape his predicament. The prisoner, opting to communicate in Ryl rather than Basic, initially hesitated to trust Revan. However, he eventually relented and instructed Revan to administer enough truth serum to induce a catatonic state. Revan complied, gradually pushing him into shock. In return, the prisoner revealed the location of his cache, hidden beneath a trap door on his ship. The prisoner then lost consciousness; the interrogator, deciding to dispose of him in a desolate location, inadvertently provided him with an opportunity to escape.
Ironically, Uthar Wynn had recently ordered the prisoner's ship to be dismantled for parts, assuming a thorough scan had been conducted for the weapons cache. Nevertheless, upon Revan providing Uthar with the cache's location, Uthar rewarded him with prestige for obtaining information that others had failed to acquire.
- A dark-side alternative involves the player using truth serum in specific doses to make the prisoner give up the location of the cache. The fastest way is by using a large dose of truth serum, a small amount of anti-serum, and then another large dose of truth serum; the prisoner then confesses and reveals where the weapons cache is located. The interrogator, overhearing this, will try to take all the credit for himself, after which the player can choose to let him go or kill him.
- If the player injects too much serum, the prisoner will go into shock, making him unable to provide information. However, the player still gains dark side points.