Aspirants aiming for Sith status, frequently termed Prospective Sith, were individuals on Korriban who yearned to gain entry into the Sith Academy. This academy was established on that world during the era of the Jedi Civil War. These individuals included ordinary people seeking improved lives or backing what they perceived as the winning faction, as well as former Jedi who had succumbed to the allure of the dark side.
During the Jedi Civil War, many individuals with aspirations flocked to the Sith Academy situated on the planet of Korriban, with the ambition of wielding the power of the dark side of the Force. To gain acceptance into the Sith Academy, an individual had to demonstrate sufficient promise to be granted a Sith Medallion. The ultimate decision rested with Yuthura Ban, a Twi'lek Sith and apprentice to Uthar Wynn, the Academy's Master. She would then introduce the promising candidate for training. However, due to the Sith's intolerance of failure, a significant number of initiates met their demise.

On one occasion, Shaardan, a student, grew weary of three hopefuls who consistently provided incorrect answers to moral questions concerning the Sith. Overwhelmed by this, he struggled to decide their fate, with his preferred option being execution by Force lightning. When he inquired of an amnesiac Revan regarding their punishment, Revan persuaded him to release them.
Other prospective Sith were deceived into performing ridiculous tasks for the amusement of other Sith. Notably, Mekel enticed several individuals to remain stationary, promising admission to whoever endured the longest without sustenance, hydration, or sleep. However, he never intended to admit anyone into the academy, a decision that Revan opposed. Mekel responded with a disgruntled departure and a weak threat. Following Mekel's departure, Revan convinced the hopefuls to abandon their pursuit of joining the Sith, either by revealing the truth to some or falsely claiming they were not qualified to others.
When Revan successfully obtained a Sith Medallion, he was approached by a couple of hopefuls who also desired such tokens. He eventually persuaded them to abandon their quest to acquire one. Others still wandered around the Dreshdae settlement, its cantina known as The Drunk Side, or the offices within the Czerka Corporation sector.
Sith hopefuls are featured in the game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, where they interact with the player as part of the gameplay on Korriban. While the term "Sith Hopeful" is used in dialogue with the NPCs, the game's "targeting indicator" identifies them as "Prospective Sith."