The Restoration Period, a time in history, spanned from 3995 to 3966 BBY. This era, characterized by relative tranquility, saw the galaxy grappling with reconstruction efforts after the destructive Great Sith War. The Republic, teetering on the brink of collapse for more than a decade after the war, witnessed a group of politicians initiating a series of actions designed to revive its former strength. By guaranteeing safe passage and trade along space-lanes to various corporations throughout the galaxy, in exchange for commercial investment in the Republic's infrastructure, the Republic managed to rebuild its military and supply much-needed resources to the war-torn populace.
Once more, hyperspace explorers ventured into the galaxy, searching for new and safer routes. Planets across the galaxy commenced rebuilding, trade was re-established, and the Republic's military power was revitalized. Simultaneously, the defeated Mandalorians, who had been on the losing side of the Great Sith War, secretly began preparations for revenge against the Republic. During the final months of the Restoration, clandestine bases, such as the Unity base on the planet Caillte, were constructed. The Mandalorian Wars would ultimately bring this brief period of peace to an end.
Following the Great Sith War, the Jedi Order underwent substantial changes. The Jedi Council aimed to impose stricter accountability standards on Jedi Masters and Watchmen, while also implementing more standardized practices throughout the Order. However, these reforms were not universally accepted, and the council faced a protracted struggle to establish unquestioned authority.
As differing perspectives led to divisions within the Order, tensions arose, and the council worked to strike a balance. While the Republic approved of the Jedi Council's tighter control, many Jedi, accustomed to a more relaxed hierarchy, viewed the council's increasing influence as excessive.