Unity (outpost)

Unity was a base created by the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders on the planet Caillte.


The construction of Unity occurred in 3964 BBY. To avoid detection, the base was built below the planetary surface of Caillte. Originally, its purpose was to be a supply depot, aiding the Mandalorian campaign through the Mid Rim during the time of the Mandalorian Wars. But, the base was soon used for a different purpose by the Mandalorian Feruun Lern. Lern invited others to join him at the base, so they could find the warrior within themselves and become Mandalorian warriors.

As the Mandalorian Wars drew to a close, Lern and many of his allies departed from Unity, to fight in the Battle of Malachor V. While they were gone, Neo-Crusaders who had given up their warrior ways plundered the base. Lern and his followers came back to the base, but they left it during the Jedi Civil War to fight alongside the Mandalorian Canderous Ordo.

In 405 BBY, the Corporate Sector Authority found the remains of the outpost while building a scientific base on Caillte.


  • Galaxy of Intrigue
