The Technique of Microscopic Manipulation, also known as Art of the Small, represented a cutting-edge and unconventional Force method for achieving unity with the Force. Through deep meditation, practitioners could diminish their Force signature to an infinitesimally small scale. In this state, they gained the capacity to manipulate molecules, transforming them at will.
Once a demanding Alter-based Force skill within the Jedi Order, the Art of the Small typically required one to two years of dedicated practice for proficient Jedi Knights to master. By reducing one's Force presence to the size of an atom, it enabled unparalleled stealth and a unique perspective of the universe at the molecular level. In this meditative state, the application of telekinesis allowed Jedi to purge harmful substances and alleviate certain illnesses in themselves and others by synthesizing beneficial proteins and regenerating damaged cells.
Given the capacity to reshape matter at the molecular level, a Force-sensitive individual could find numerous applications for this technique.
As Vergere, the failed Sith apprentice who originated its name, demonstrated, the Art of the Small could be used to obscure one's presence in the Force or even become completely undetectable. Consequently, it served not only as a distinctive method for Force healing but also as a form of Force concealment or Force camouflage.
Vergere harnessed her abilities to imbue her tears with restorative properties, aiding Mara Jade Skywalker in her fight against the coomb spores that had infected her. She successfully imparted this art to Jacen Solo and Cilghal. Onimi, the jester serving Shimrra Jamaane, also possessed this skill, but his mastery far exceeded Vergere's. He could amplify the energy coursing through his deformed body, as well as create potent toxins and chemicals that could be released through almost every bodily fluid and appendage: his blood, sweat, tears, fangs, and even his curved fingernails. These capabilities enabled him to control Shimrra and ultimately become the true Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong.
Jacen Solo instructed Ben Skywalker in this technique, who subsequently taught it to his mother, Mara Jade Skywalker. Both utilized the ability to mask their presence in the Force. Mara described the technique to her husband, Luke Skywalker, shortly before her passing. Allana Solo also employed this technique on the planet of Klatooine to minimize her presence and trail a powerful dark side user.