Tyro Caladian, a male Svivreni lawyer and also a bureaucrat, served as a Senatorial aide during the final years of the Galactic Republic. He was related to Curran Caladian, who was also a Senatorial aide. Caladian, a strong advocate for democracy and a master of Senate regulations, garnered the attention of Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi due to his esteemed reputation. Kenobi, in need of Caladian's expertise for his own operations, requested his assistance.
Caladian consistently aided Kenobi in his endeavors, supplying crucial information, backing, and specialized assistance against figures like the corrupt Senator Sano Sauro from the planet Eeropha, the criminal Granta Omega, and the fugitive Jenna Zan Arbor who was in hiding on Romin. Each of these individuals posed a threat to the Jedi Order. Over time, Caladian and Kenobi forged a close friendship, and Caladian's frequent interactions with the Jedi earned him the respect of other Jedi, including Siri Tachi and Ferus Olin. Though hesitant to break the law, Caladian occasionally did so for his friends. However, Caladian's actions drew the attention of Sauro, who actively hindered Caladian's efforts, rendering his assistance to the Jedi ineffective, and openly considered the Svivreni a personal adversary. While investigating on Kenobi's behalf, Caladian uncovered a conspiracy reaching the highest levels of the Republic's government. Before he could disclose the details, Caladian was assassinated.
Both Tyro Caladian and his cousin Curran Caladian, both male Svivreni, joined the Galactic Senate around the same time and became Senatorial aides. Tyro Caladian was given a small office located on the lower level of the Senate Building on Coruscant; he quickly filled the limited space with a desk and multiple file containers. He advanced as a bureaucrat and lawyer, gaining recognition as an expert in obscure Senatorial procedures with a deep respect for the ideals of the Galactic Republic.

In 25 BBY, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi contacted Caladian, having heard of the Svivreni's reputation. Kenobi and his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, were pursuing a criminal called Granta Omega who, according to their sources, was supported by Senator Sano Sauro of Eeropha. Although Kenobi had the support of the Supreme Chancellor, he needed to formally request Sauro to grant access to his private files. Concerned that Sauro would use legal loopholes to avoid disclosing his files, Kenobi sought Caladian's expertise to navigate the necessary legal protocols. Caladian, who had previously opposed Sauro's actions, secured all the required signatures and approvals for an order to reveal against Sauro.
Despite this, Sauro bribed a committee he was a part of, leading to the approval of a discontinued procedural rule, which allowed him to reject Caladian's order. This meant that even the Chancellor couldn't overrule his decision. Caladian, already occupied with subcommittee hearings, met with Kenobi and Vice Chancellor Mas Amedda to receive the official denial. Enraged, he threatened to appeal the decision. Caladian offered Kenobi his assistance in any further inquiry the Jedi might conduct. Sauro recognized Caladian as a political enemy and placed a trace in Caladian's comlink to monitor his activities, a measure he later claimed was due to fear of Caladian. Later, Caladian realized that Sauro could only block his personal files, not files about him held by others. He immediately requested all files in the Senate registry related to Eeropha from all nine years of Sauro's tenure as Senator and began reviewing them.
During this time, Kenobi visited Caladian again. As part of a separate investigation, or so it seemed, Kenobi was researching Senator Berm Tarturi of Andara, whose child Gillam had been kidnapped. Caladian, familiar with Tarturi's situation, informed Kenobi of Tarturi's political challenges: he was in conflict with Sauro over the redistribution of hyperlanes, which could lead to Tarturi losing a hearing and allowing Sauro to control another committee. In a heated discussion with Kenobi, Caladian suggested that Sauro might have allied with Rana Halion, the ruler of Ieria, against Tarturi.
Acting on this hunch, Caladian investigated Sauro's known illicit activities from 30 BBY and used probability software to identify Sauro's secret meeting locations, discovering that Sauro was indeed meeting with Halion. He communicated this to Kenobi via his comlink and then met with the Jedi in a public café. Sauro, who was monitoring Caladian's calls, warned Halion, causing her to evade her pursuers. Kenobi then discovered the bug in Caladian's comlink.
Caladian continued his political research on the Sauro–Halion connection, with assistance from Jedi experts such as Jocasta Nu. He offered his sympathy to Senator Tarturi regarding his senatorial difficulties. Frustrated by his lack of progress, Caladian was contacted again by Kenobi. This time, the Jedi needed forged identifications for himself and his fellow Knight Siri Tachi to pose as the kings of Cortella. Despite his shock, Caladian assisted them.
In 24 BBY, Kenobi, along with Tachi and her Padawan learner, Ferus Olin, visited Caladian again. The Jedi sought his help in apprehending the fugitive Jenna Zan Arbor, who was hiding on the planet Romin, where the corrupt ruler Roy Teda refused to extradite criminals. Caladian explained that the Senate had to respect local laws, and the Jedi could not enter the planet without Senate approval. Kenobi asked Caladian for a loophole, but the Svivreni knew of none. Only when Caladian mentioned a group of fugitives who had escaped from a prison only to be caught again during a series of breakouts, did Kenobi conceive a new idea: they could impersonate the fugitives. Caladian detailed the laws that would be broken, but Kenobi reassured him that they wouldn't be caught, as Caladian could provide forged documents, background information, and even the fugitives' starship, which was still impounded.
Caladian also used a Stop Comm order to temporarily prevent the press from reporting the recapture of the fugitive band, the Slams, for three days. He obtained their impounded Ubrikkian yacht after getting the Overseer of Prison Worlds to issue an order to the Confiscation Authority. Amused, Tyro explained that the person Kenobi would impersonate was a dandy, a role Kenobi reluctantly but admirably played. Finally, Caladian provided all available information about Romin. Caladian's assistance was invaluable during the Jedi mission.
Later that same year, Tyro Caladian attended a Senate hearing where members of Senator Sauro's anti-Jedi faction, including ex-tyrant Teda and Senator Bog Divinian of Nuralee, testified against Obi-Wan Kenobi. Although Sauro had gained significant power and was cultivating support to sever all future Jedi ties with galactic governance, Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan opposed him, arranging private meetings with Chancellor Palpatine and Divinian; these efforts only strengthened Caladian's respect for Organa.
Immediately after the hearing, Kenobi met with Caladian to discuss Sauro and Divinian's scheming and their apparent connections to the criminal Granta Omega. Caladian doubted that these anti-Jedi power plays would succeed, explaining that while Sauro controlled several Mid-Rim planets, he was unpopular in the Core Worlds and therefore could not topple Palpatine, as Kenobi suspected was Sauro's goal.
Kenobi obtained recordings Divinian had made for his biographers and gave Caladian a copy to get his perspective. Though Kenobi couldn't understand the meaning behind some of Divinian's words, he later deduced that Divinian was preparing a speech to nominate Sauro as Supreme Chancellor and that the anti-Jedi conspirators were planning an assassination attempt on Palpatine. Caladian, after researching the recordings, also found evidence of an emerging "evil" at the "highest level" of galactic governance, seemingly unrelated to the assassination attempt. However, static interference prevented Tryo from adequately warning Kenobi. Kenobi soon confirmed that Omega was indeed orchestrating a plot to murder Palpatine and other politicians using seeker droids in the Senate Rotunda.
Caladian rushed to join Kenobi in the Grand Convocation Chamber of the Senate, where hundreds of seeker droids were attacking Senators and their advisors. Kenobi, joined by other Jedi, fought back, but they couldn't prevent all fatalities. Caladian hurried to Kenobi, but he was struck by blaster fire seemingly aimed at Palpatine, but redirected at Caladian. Though Tyro reached Kenobi, he fell and couldn't speak. He performed the Svivreni farewell gesture and, with fear in his eyes after a final look at Palpatine, died. Weeping, Kenobi uttered the Svivreni farewell and made the same gesture on behalf of his friend.
Caladian's death was not the only loss sustained by the Senate that day: thirteen other aides, ten Senate Guards, twenty-one Senators, and former dictator Teda also died. Later research revealed that the seeker droid that killed Caladian had been programmed to target him specifically. Kenobi found it strange that a Senate aide had been targeted.
Caladian's memorial was so crowded that many friends were outside the room. His office was reassigned within two days, as space in the Senate Building was limited. Before the office was taken over, Kenobi requested Caladian's files be delivered to Jocasta Nu's research team for investigation and archiving in the Jedi Temple. Five years after Caladian's death, he was remembered by friends, including his cousin Curran Caladian and the Jedi Ferus Olin.

Tyro Caladian, a furry Svivreni, had a stout build. His glossy fur, covering most of his body, including his hands, bristled when he was angry. He typically wore navy tunics. Caladian had a small, pointed face with small, bright, dark eyes, and similarly undersized, pointed, glittering teeth.
Caladian adhered to the traditions and culture of his peaceful species. He used gestures and euphemisms to avoid saying "goodbye," which was considered bad luck. He also used a metal ring to hold his long "plume" or mane of black hair, which reached his waist. When nervous, Caladian sometimes manipulated the ring.
The Svivreni aimed to specialize in the administration of the Galactic Senate. With youthful enthusiasm, awareness, and a natural talent for bureaucracy and politics, he became an expert, knowledgeable in complex rules. Caladian also managed to overhear confidential conversations in the Senate, even when not a participant. He could also obtain forged identifications. A hard worker, Caladian filled his office with plastoid containers to store durasheet documents, sometimes blocking the door.
Caladian believed in democracy, though he acknowledged corruption among Senators and was worried about the galaxy's increasing lawlessness. However, he still believed in certain Senators, particularly Bail Organa, and considered them the norm. He couldn't imagine spreading civilization through the galaxy without the Republic. Caladian disliked Senator Sano Sauro; Sauro's actions had reached Svivren, and although his scheme had been stopped, Sauro was never formally accused, infuriating Caladian.
Caladian was well-liked and had many friends. He was affectionate, warmer with Kenobi than with Mace Windu. When his relationship with Kenobi made him a target of spies and saboteurs, Tyro felt honored, believing it meant he was becoming more important.
Tyro Caladian debuted in the novel Jedi Quest: The School of Fear, by Jude Watson, published by Scholastic in 2003. Caladian appeared in subsequent novels by Watson. He also shared an entry with Curran Caladian in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.
Jedi Quest: The False Peace suggests that Tyro discovered information about Palpatine's plan to take over the Republic and become Galactic Emperor, leading Palpatine to send the seeker droid to silence him. Evidence includes his fearful look at Palpatine before death, and the comlink static that prevented him from fully warning Kenobi about an emerging "evil" at the "highest level" of governance.