Order to reveal

An order to reveal represented a formal application presented to the Galactic Senate within the structure of the Old Republic. Individuals had the option to initiate an order to reveal directed at any of the Senators serving the Republic. The process involved multiple intricate stages, such as obtaining signatures, submitting petitions, securing approvals, and affixing seals, all necessary for its validation. Upon completion of these steps, the individual who initiated the order gained the ability to examine the documents and records pertaining to the designated Senator.

In the year 26 BBY, Obi-Wan Kenobi, accompanied by his associate, the Svivreni bureaucrat named Tyro Caladian, jointly submitted such an order concerning Senator Sano Sauro, due to their suspicion of his involvement in various illicit activities. Sauro exercised his prerogative of refusal to obstruct the order for an unlimited duration—an action that should have been legally impermissible, yet the Senate Procedural Committee sanctioned Sauro's appeal.

