In 24 BBY, the All Planets Relief Fund was brought into existence via legislation that overhauled the Galactic Republic's method of providing aid to planets. Its specific aim was to respond to the urgent needs of planets that were endangered, those in dire need of monetary assistance. This fresh legal framework, the culmination of years of dedicated effort from numerous planetary administrations, was expertly composed by Palpatine, the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, on the central world of Coruscant.
Shortly after the successful enactment of the law establishing the fund, Palpatine organized an opening event in Coruscant's Business District to formally launch the fund and move its accumulated resources to a secure vault within the Bank of the Core. However, the infamous Slam gang made an attempt during this event to pilfer the relief fund's treasury—a scheme thwarted by the Jedi. The attempted theft, however, was in fact orchestrated by even more significant criminal minds, as a ploy to distract from a larger operation to assassinate Palpatine and destroy the Galactic Senate along with the Jedi Order all in a single day.
The establishment of the All Planets Relief Fund came about through legislation that Palpatine, the Galactic Republic's Supreme Chancellor, both wrote and guided to approval within the Senate. The law's passage in 24 BBY enabled any imperiled world in desperate need of financial aid to directly request assistance from the Galactic Senate.
According to the new regulations, essential relief funds would be channeled through a single, centralized account. Chancellor Palpatine asserted that the relief fund would circumvent the bureaucratic delays that plagued the Republic's existing system (which, nevertheless, would continue to be used for non-critical endeavors). Previously, under the old system, a planet facing danger had to first petition the Senate and then have its case examined by multiple committees—a protracted and often unsuccessful approval process—before it could receive any relief funding.
The bill that created the relief fund garnered generally favorable reactions, and senatorial aide Tyro Caladian voiced his enthusiasm regarding the new fund's advantages.
Shortly after the funding was secured, Palpatine officiated at an inaugural ceremony held in the Bank of the Core Plaza to formally inaugurate the new relief fund and celebrate the success of the legislation that brought it into being. Because the All Planets account was funded in crystalline vertex by a multitude of Senate-member worlds, a large crowd of beings had gathered at the plaza not only for the ceremony itself, but also to witness the impressive spectacle of such a massive accumulation of wealth in one location. The Senate Guard, during an end-of-ceremony transfer of funds, escorted the repulsorlift wagon carrying the vertex treasury to a vault within the Core Bank.
However, in the final moments of that highly secured transfer, an attempt to steal the relief fund's treasury was undertaken by the leaders of the Slams, a well-known gang, who had disguised themselves as Senate Guards. This attempt was foiled by Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi, Siri Tachi and their respective Padawans Anakin Skywalker and Ferus Olin. Soon after thwarting the plot, Kenobi came to the realization that the Slams' attempted treasury theft was simply a diversion from the true objective, which was conceived and directed by galactic criminal Granta Omega: this son of Xanatos, following in his father's footsteps (and aided by his criminal partner, the mad scientist Jenna Zan Arbor), sought the complete destruction of the Republic's government and, consequently, the power of the Jedi Order, through the mass-assassination of the Supreme Chancellor, as well as thousands of Galactic Senators and their advisors, by an army of seeker droids. The Grand Convocation Chamber served as the setting for the attack on the Senate Building, which, though resulting in some casualties, was ultimately prevented by the Jedi.
The All Planets Relief Fund made an appearance in the young adult novel Jedi Quest: The False Peace, which was the ninth installment in the Jedi Quest series, authored by Jude Watson and published in July of 2004. The All Planets Relief Fund was later referenced in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, which was released in December of 2008.