Trever Flume

Trever Flume, a male Human originating from Bellassa, played a key role in aiding Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ferus Olin. Their mission was to locate survivors of Order 66 following the conclusion of the Clone Wars.


Bellassan Orphanhood

Lune Oddo Divinian and Trever Flume in a starfighter simulator

During the Clone Wars, Trever's mother, a captain within the army of the Republic, tragically perished in the Battle of T'olan. In the early days of the Galactic Empire's reign, the governor of Bellassa was ousted by the Imperials, who then imposed martial law. This action sparked an uprising, resulting in significant loss of life among the Bellassan population. When the Empire attempted to seize control of a planetary defense facility on Bellassa, a group of protesters from Ussa, the capital city, staged a peaceful occupation. Among these protesters were Trever's father and his older brother, Tike Flume. The Empire's destruction of the plant led to the deaths of Trever's father and brother in the resulting explosion.

In the months that followed, Trever, now an orphan, became deeply involved in Bellassa's black market, demonstrating exceptional skill in managing its operations. Ferus Olin, a prominent figure in the rebel group The Eleven, frequently provided assistance to Trever, offering him shelter in the back room of Olin/Lands until Imperial pressure forced him into hiding. During one of his thefts of Imperial uniforms, Trever encountered Obi-Wan Kenobi. It was Trever who guided Kenobi to the other members of the Eleven, aiding in the location of Ferus. Furthermore, the Eleven utilized Trever's stolen Imperial uniforms to infiltrate the Bellassan detention center and successfully rescue Roan Lands, another member of their group.

Adventures with Obi-Wan

Following Roan's rescue, Ferus and Obi-Wan made their escape from Bellassa. Unbeknownst to them, Trever had secretly stowed away on their ship. They landed at the Red Twins Spaceport, where they encountered Boba Fett and D'harhan, two bounty hunters in the employ of the Inquisitor Malorum. After a brief confrontation, they managed to escape once more, eventually arriving on the planet Acherin. There, they encountered Raina Quill and Toma, two leaders of the local resistance movement. They once again fled the planet, this time accompanied by Raina and Toma. After dropping off the two commanders on an asteroid, hidden from the Empire due to an atmospheric storm, they set course for Ilum, where the Jedi Garen Muln was rumored to be in hiding. Trever remained on Ilum with Ferus, while Obi-Wan departed to address some matters on Polis Massa.

While Ferus ventured alone into Ilum's Crystal Caves, Trever stood guard outside, watching for any signs of Imperial activity, which was highly likely in the area. While waiting for Ferus, Trever spotted some Imperial stormtroopers scouting the area for lifeforms. They left their ship unattended, prompting Trever to sneak aboard in search of valuable items to steal. However, he overheard them returning to their ship, and when they discovered him, he was forced to commandeer the entire vessel. By the time Ferus returned with Garen, they were pinned down by additional Imperial forces, but Trever used his stolen ship to provide cover until they were able to board. They fled the area and found a safe location to wait for Obi-Wan's return.

After reuniting with Kenobi and making a stop at the Nixor Spaceport to collect supplies donated by Roan Lands, the group returned to Raina and Toma on the hidden asteroid. Ferus's vision of transforming the asteroid into a secure haven for Jedi was beginning to materialize. After returning Obi-Wan to Tatooine, Ferus and Trever journeyed to Coruscant, where reports indicated that another Jedi was being held captive. Although Ferus suggested that Trever might want to pursue his own path, leveraging his skills in the capital's black market, Trever expressed his preference to remain Ferus's partner in the mission to rescue the galaxy's surviving Jedi.

Mission on Coruscant

Trever on Coruscant.

Ferus and Trever infiltrated the Jedi Temple, only to discover that it was a trap. The Empire had intentionally spread rumors to lure Jedi to the Temple. Subsequently, Ferus and Trever sought assistance from Dexter Jettster, but they found his diner destroyed and Dex either evicted or having fled. Ferus located Dex, who was living among a group known as The Erased. Dex revealed that he had met a Jedi named Fy-Tor-Ana, who had instructed him to seek out Solace if he ever needed her assistance. Ferus, Trever, and the rest of The Erased found Solace and realized that she was Fy-Tor-Ana herself. Ferus convinced Solace to accompany him to the Temple, but they encountered stormtroopers, resulting in Ferus's capture. Solace and Trever managed to escape. Upon returning to Solace's underground base, Trever was enraged at Solace for abandoning Ferus. Solace reassured him that their mission was not over and that they would return to rescue Ferus. Suddenly, Solace sensed a tremor through the Force. Moments later, Keets Freely, a bloodied member of the Erased, collapsed at Trever's feet. They discovered that the base was under attack by stormtroopers. Trever realized that Solace was right; their mission was far from over, and he prepared himself for the impending battle.

Later, after hours of intense fighting, Trever encountered Oryon, a Bothan whom he had presumed dead. Together, they rescued Solace from the stormtroopers and located Keets, who they had also believed to be dead. They escaped and sought refuge at Dexter's hideout, where they learned that Ferus was being held on a prison world called Dontamo. They traveled there and found Ferus and his old friend Clive Flax evading Imperial starfighters. They discovered that Malorum was en route to Naboo to investigate the circumstances surrounding Padmé Amidala's death and burial. Determined to stop him, Ferus was joined by Trever, Solace, Clive, Oryon, Keets, and Curran Caladian, another member of the Erased whom Trever had initially thought dead but later found at Dex's hideout.

Journey to Naboo

The group journeyed to Naboo and, with the assistance of Captain Gregar Typho, discovered that Malorum intended to interrogate [Ryoo Thule](/article/ryoo_thule], Padmé Amidala's maternal grandmother, as she had overseen Amidala's burial, a customary practice on Naboo. Upon arriving, Ferus found her body on the ground and pursued Malorum. The others, including Trever, followed in boats to keep pace with Ferus. Malorum ultimately escaped, but the group was rescued by several Gungans. With the support of Boss Rugor Nass's forces and the army of Queen Apailana, the group defeated Malorum and temporarily liberated the planet from Imperial control.

Return to Bellassa

After Ferus accepted an invitation, Trever went with him and others to Coruscant and they disguised themselves to rescue Roan Lands and [Dona Telamark](/article/dona_telamark]. While in a crowd, Trever, Oryon, and Solace went to Bellassa where Dona and Roan were most likely imprisoned. They got help from The Eleven and managed to flee the planet. After the destruction of the secret base, Trever's memory was partly erased because his knowledge of Darth Vader could be dangerous. He was adopted by Clive Flax and Astri Oddo and started a new life on Belazura.

In 12 BBY, Trever and his adopted parents were probably killed when the Imperials blew up one of their own factories.

Later, Divinian thought that the brainwashed Imperial assassin X-7 might be Flume, his death faked and his skills made into those of an assassin. He didn't know if this was true, but he let X-7 (and himself) believe it in X-7's last moments of life when he died in an Imperial warehouse on Belazura, even after almost killing Div to escape his past.

