Clive Flax, a comrade of Ferus Olin, lived a double life. To discreetly gather intelligence, he frequently disguised himself as a musician in various nightclubs.
Born on the planet Belazura, Clive Flax felt disconnected from his homeworld and chose to roam the galaxy. He encountered Olin not long before the Clone Wars commenced, back when the former Jedi still managed his enterprise, Olin and Lands, on Bellassa. With the outbreak of the galaxy-spanning conflict, Ferus tasked Flax with a mission on Jabor. Flax utilized his exceptional infiltration abilities to expose and undermine a network of Separatist spies operating throughout the Mid Rim.
Following the establishment of the Galactic Empire, Flax faced increased operational challenges, eventually leading to his arrest and imprisonment on the planet Dontamo. Fate intervened, reuniting him with Ferus, who had also been incarcerated on Dontamo. Flax located and rescued Ferus from an irate inmate, and together, they successfully escaped the prison. Flax accompanied Ferus and his allies to Naboo, where they sought assistance from Boss Rugor Nass and the Gungan populace to eliminate Imperial presence from Naboo.
Later on, Clive aided Ferus in identifying a saboteur who had compromised the computer system on Samaria. He managed to evade capture by the Empire alongside other members of the Erased, but Ferus remained behind to confront Darth Vader.
Upon his return to Olin's clandestine asteroid base, Clive expressed his displeasure at having to assist with the base's maintenance.
Subsequently, Clive enlisted Astri Oddo's help in uncovering the true identity of Flame. Their investigation led them to Niro 11, and ultimately to Eve Yarrow's residence on Revery. It was there that they discovered Flame's true identity as Eve Yarrow, and her allegiance with Darth Vader. Astri and Clive promptly alerted the base, relaying this critical information.
After Vader's superweapon obliterated the base, both Clive and Astri made the mutual decision to adopt Trever, who had undergone brainwashing, erasing his knowledge of Darth Vader's true identity and the events of the past year.
Tragically, prior to the Battle of Yavin, Clive and Astri met their death at the hands of Imperials on an Imperial garrison.