Eve Yarrow, hailing from Sood, the capital city of the world Acherin, was the offspring of Evin Yarrow, who presided over Yarrow Industries. With her mother's passing during her early years, her upbringing was primarily guided by her father. During her childhood, she accompanied him on his galactic travels, visiting locations such as factories, trade conventions, and the Senate. Following her father's demise, she assumed leadership of Yarrow Industries. With the Empire's invasion of Acherin, Yarrow Industries' operations were relocated away from the planet. Subsequently, Eve was incarcerated by the Imperials; however, she professed to have broken free from imprisonment and successfully transferred her assets off-world to Niro 11.
It is probable that around this time, Yarrow became an informant for the Empire, directly serving Darth Vader. Using the moniker Flame, she initiated Operation Moonstrike, a strategy that ostensibly aimed to establish a significant Rebellion. However, this plan was, in reality, a component of Operation Twilight, a plot designed to simultaneously eliminate numerous leaders of the resistance movement.
Yarrow encountered Ferus Olin and his associates, cultivating friendships and earning their confidence. After spending several months in their company, Flame eventually proposed the concept of assembling all prominent resistance leaders and relocating them to Ferus' base. As the ships approached the asteroid base, Yarrow's true allegiance was exposed by Olin. Influenced by a Sith holocron, Ferus initially decreed her execution, but the decision was later altered to leaving her on the desolate moon, XT987. Despite Yarrow's unmasking, Operation Twilight achieved its objective: the destruction of all resistance leaders by the superweapon affixed to Vader's Star Destroyer. Nonetheless, Ferus, Trever, and Lune successfully escaped.