Lune Oddo Divinian was a Human male, a Force-sensitive individual, and the offspring of Astri Oddo and Bog Divinian. During the Galactic Empire's reign, Divinian underwent fundamental training in the ways of the Force and the Jedi Order's tenets under the guidance of Ry-Gaul and Garen Muln, fugitive Jedi Masters. Following the deaths of both his instructors, Divinian became a mercenary before ultimately enlisting in the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Born on Nuralee in 27 BBY, Lune Oddo Divinian, a Human with Force-sensitivity, was the son of Bog Divinian and Astri Oddo. His connection to the Force went undetected at birth, preventing him from joining the Jedi Order. As Divinian grew, his father was chosen as the Senator for their home planet, leading the family to spend time on Coruscant, where Divinian was cared for by his grandfather, Didi Oddo. Around this time, Divinian's mother noticed her son's inherent talent for using the Force, a secret she kept from her husband, who despised the Jedi Order and Force users. Despite her efforts to conceal it, Senator Divinian observed his son's abilities and began scheming to exploit them.
As Divinian's father grew increasingly hostile, his mother gathered essential belongings, and they fled to Samaria for a peaceful life. During the ensuing Clone Wars between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Republic, they managed to avoid the war's horrors. Following the Republic's and Confederacy's defeat and the Galactic Empire's rise to power, Divinian's father, Bog Divinian, was appointed as an Imperial Advisor to the Samarian government. Realizing the danger they were in, Astri Oddo approached Aaren Larker, the Samarian Prime Minister, learning of her estranged husband's plan to capture their son and hand him over to the Empire for training at the Imperial Academy. Using stolen codes to a Platform-7 supercomputer, Astri Oddo sabotaged the equipment, escaping the planet with her son.
Beyond the Empire, Ferus Olin, a former Jedi Padawan, approached Divinian and his mother after they disabled the platform, impressed by the boy's exhibited abilities. Olin offered to take them to his secret asteroid base, hidden from the Empire's watch, where Garen Muln, a former Jedi Master, guided Divinian in learning to harness and control the Force.
During their time on the asteroid, the Divinians found comfort among the refugees, living in relative safety and tranquility. However, when Trever Flume returned with activist Flame, Astri Oddo feared their sanctuary would soon be targeted by the Empire. Concerned for her son's safety, they left the asteroid and went to Coruscant under the protection of Jedi Masters Fy-Tor-Ana and Clive Flax. Seeking out Dexter Jettster, a Besalisk operative working against the Empire, Divinian's mother hoped he could help them escape the planet to a safe haven. While his mother met with Jettster, Divinian went to a park with Keets Freely and Curran Caladian, modifying the power slide to launch himself higher and performing somersaults using the Force. Detecting the boy's use of the Force, a squad of passing stormtroopers attempted to capture Divinian but were thwarted by his guardians' swift escape. However, the stormtroopers eventually captured the boy, escorting him to the nearby Imperial Naval Academy where his father awaited him.
At the Academy, Divinian began his indoctrination into Imperial Naval life. After some time, Trever Flume was recruited to rescue him. In one class, they managed to defeat Kestrel, an older cadet. However, Divinian's father learned from Senator Sano Sauro that Darth Vader needed someone for a "special project." When Bog Divinian decided to send his son, both Divinian and Flume tried to escape but were caught by Maggis, the head instructor. Separated, Divinian met with his father again, who turned him over to Vader for the project. As Divinian was escorted off the premises with Vader, he learned he was to be a test subject for a memory-altering drug created by Jenna Zan Arbor, a scientist. Before the drug could be administered, Ferus Olin rescued Divinian, and after jumping from a window, they were both rescued by Flume and a defective Maggis. Safe from his father and Vader, Divinian returned to the asteroid to continue his training with Master Garen Muln. Peace was once again short-lived, as Vader led an assault against the asteroid. Before the base and its occupants were destroyed, the three Jedi stationed there placed Divinian in an escape pod, ensuring his survival to continue their cause.

Reunited with his mother after escaping the asteroid, Divinian was raised by Astri Oddo and Clive Flax, along with a purposefully brainwashed Trever Flume, on a world beyond the Empire's reach. However, his parents continued their involvement in anti-Imperial activities. They, along with Trever, apparently perished on a mission.
By 0 ABY, Divinian was working as a pilot mercenary under the alias 'Div'. He was among the mercenaries hired by X-7 to hunt down Luke Skywalker on Kamino. After crash-landing on the planet and assisting Skywalker, he was captured and held on Yavin 4 by the Alliance to Restore the Republic, who sought information about his employer. Imperial agents later abducted him from his cell, prompting Skywalker to search for him.
Upon being found by Skywalker, they fought off attacking Imperials and, with Ferus Olin's assistance, escaped to a small asteroid. Once safe, Olin knocked Skywalker unconscious and caught up with Divinian, sharing their experiences from their years apart. After helping Skywalker back to an Alliance base, Olin and Divinian formally joined the Alliance, agreeing to hunt down the assassin X-7. On Yavin IV, Divinian provided at least one lightsaber combat lesson to Luke.
During the mission, Olin convinced Divinian to deceive X-7 into believing he was Trever Flume, their old friend and Divinian's adopted brother who had supposedly died years earlier. In doing so, Divinian himself became convinced of this. While their deception worked, the confused X-7 turned on Olin and Divinian, shooting Divinian in the shoulder and engaging Olin. When Olin stabbed X-7 in the heart, the assassin pleaded with Divinian to acknowledge his importance. Divinian agreed, recognizing that regardless of whether X-7 was Trever, he once had a family who valued him.
On his final mission, "Div" made the ultimate sacrifice. He crashed his damaged starfighter into a TIE fighter to allow Alliance members Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa to escape the Imperial fleet and Darth Vader. His mission accomplished, Divinian's crippled, burning starfighter plummeted into the gravity well of a nearby world. Divinian either died in the crash or in the subsequent system-consuming explosion.