
X-7, a Human male assassin, was the result of an experiment by Rezi Soresh aimed at crafting the ultimate killer. Initially tasked with eliminating Luke Skywalker, he unexpectedly regained his capacity for emotion. Following an encounter with Skywalker on Belazura, X-7 turned against Soresh, meeting his end in the ensuing conflict.


Skywalker's Pursuit

Rezi Soresh, an officer within the Imperial forces, discovered X-7 and subsequently took him under his wing. Soresh erased X-7's memories and suppressed his emotions, intending to mold him into the perfect assassin. X-7 endured Soresh's rigorous training program alongside six other candidates, ultimately surpassing them all to become Soresh's favored assassin.

After the Battle of Yavin, Soresh selected X-7 for a mission to infiltrate the Rebel Alliance and identify the individual responsible for destroying the Death Star. X-7 successfully ingratiated himself with the Rebels by adopting the alias "Tobin Elad" and orchestrating the destruction of a TIE/LN starfighter, which he had hired to attack the Millennium Falcon en route to Muunilinst on Rebel business. Eventually, he managed to sabotage the Millennium Falcon's weaponry and locate Leia Organa.

Upon arrival, they convened with General Carlist Rieekan, endeavoring to establish a foundation for the Rebellion. Subsequently, they encountered Ferus Olin, who was operating under the guise of Fess. They persisted in cultivating trust among the Rebels until Leia was captured by a group of survivors from Alderaan, who sought to deliver her to the Galactic Empire as an act of vengeance. The Alderaanian refugees intended to administer a serum to extract all her knowledge. However, X-7 intervened, administering the serum himself and demanding to know who destroyed the Death Star. She revealed Skywalker's identity. After learning the identity of his target, X-7 intended to kill her, but Skywalker's arrival prevented him. Skywalker freed Organa, and they returned to the Rebel base.

Upon the group's return to Yavin 4, X-7 proceeded to plant explosives in Luke's speeder bike and frame Solo by placing the evidence in his quarters. When Skywalker activated the bike, it detonated, but he managed to escape with severe injuries. X-7 then attempted to suffocate the wounded Skywalker, but the presence of onlookers deterred him. Solo was initially blamed for the assassination attempt, but Chewbacca helped him escape from his cell, and they fled Yavin IV together. X-7 then infiltrated Luke's room, intending to poison him with Sennari poison. However, Skywalker, along with Organa, R2-D2 and C-3PO, had already departed for Tatooine to attend Biggs Darklighter's funeral. X-7 accessed Skywalker's computer files and discovered the invitation to Biggs' funeral. Considering it his best lead, he traveled to Tatooine. Once there, he informed Bossk, who was also pursuing Skywalker, of his whereabouts. However, Skywalker defeated Bossk. X-7 was positioned on an overhang with a sniper rifle, prepared to eliminate Skywalker. Solo then appeared and held a blaster to X-7's head, prompting X-7 to spin around with his own blaster, initiating a standoff. Chewbacca emerged from an Anchorhead cantina, followed by Skywalker and Organa. Solo revealed 'Elad's' true identity, and the Rebels sided with him over the traitor. X-7 escaped using a hidden jetpack, vowing to complete his mission later. Ferus Olin then reappeared to Organa, revealing that he had sent Solo an anonymous tip, as Olin had not trusted Elad.

Life as a Fugitive

For the first time in his existence, X-7 had experienced failure. Uncertain of his next course of action, he left the area. Soresh contacted him, instructing him to return for further conditioning. However, his time with the Alliance had exposed him to a sense of camaraderie he had never known before. X-7 defied Soresh's orders and embarked on his own mission to assassinate Skywalker. Shortly after, X-7 recruited several pilots. He initially tested them, resulting in numerous casualties or desertions. Six survived, including Lune Divinian. He then deployed them against Rogue Squadron, who happened to be stationed on Kamino at the time. The pilots ambushed the Rebel pilots, but several more mercenaries perished. Two crashed on an abandoned cloning facility and confronted the Rebel pilots. Unbeknownst to them, the Imperials were conducting bio-engineering projects. The creatures killed the other mercenary, forcing Divinian to collaborate with Skywalker to escape the planet. Upon the Rebels' return to the planet, they imprisoned Divinian.

Final Act


Inside the Great Temple, Divinian refused to cooperate with the Rebels. Eventually, a commando team extracted Divinian from his cell. Following the Rebels' investigation of his room, they discovered that he had been transported to Belazura by Rezi Soresh. When the Heroes of Yavin journeyed to the planet, they reunited with Ferus Olin. Together, they devised a plan to raid the Imperial base on Belazura, requiring X-7's assistance. However, during this period, X-7 had confronted Soresh, demanding to know his true identity. Soresh provided him with access codes to an Imperial database containing his real identity; Soresh believed the information had been erased and that his search would be futile. Nevertheless, X-7 discovered his role as Project Omega's most successful creation and his true name: Trever Flume. Flume had been presumed dead on Belazura in 12 BBY at the age of nineteen, but his body had never been recovered. Instead, he had been taken by the Imperials, undergone facial surgery to eliminate any questions about his identity, and been reconditioned, along with six others.

X-7 then undertook a comprehensive investigation into his true origins. This led him to the Divinian family grave, where he questioned locals and discovered that he was the brother of Lune Divinian, the mercenary he had hired to eliminate Skywalker. Div was at the Divinian family home when X-7 journeyed there, and both sought the truth. Div listened to X-7's account and believed it. He and the Rebels informed him of the planned assault on the Imperial base. After the attack commenced, it became evident that it was a trap set by Soresh. Soresh contacted X-7, instructing him to complete his mission. Uncertain of what to do, X-7 was confronted by Divinian. Ultimately, X-7 shot Divinian in the shoulder, incapacitating him. He resolved to finish Div and engaged in a battle with his brother and Ferus Olin. X-7 was stabbed through the heart by Ferus Olin, bringing his pursuit of Skywalker to an end. However, with his dying words, he asked Div if he had ever truly mattered to anyone. Torn, Div finally relented and assured him that he had.

Rezi Soresh subsequently became a fugitive from the Empire due to his actions. In his final attempt to exact revenge on Skywalker, he was killed, and his body was left to vaporize when the sun went supernova.

Personality and traits

X-7 possessed the ability to alter his appearance and even his physical form through the use of specialized Medpacs. He could use his small durasteel mallet to crush his nasal bones. He employed a bone fuser to reset his bones in different configurations when necessary. To alter his eyes, he would use colored lenses and occasionally imprint various designs and tattoos on himself. He was also a skilled pilot and sniper. Throughout a mission, he would relentlessly pursue his target. Until his encounter with Skywalker, he had never experienced failure.

X-7 also possessed the artificial trait of being a Force blank, indicating that he had no connection to the Force. This was first noticed by Ferus Olin while protecting Princess Leia Organa on Delaya. He described X-7 as the Force flowing around him, not through, and his body merely being a hollow shell. This is the only known instance of a Force Blank being artificially created in history.

When he assumed the identity of Tobin Elad, his eyes were described as "dead." Despite undergoing complete reconditioning by Soresh, he retained the capacity to experience emotions. These emotions confused him and ultimately led to his downfall. Moreover, to refer to those emotions, he began to feel anger at Skywalker for repeatedly escaping death. He believed he was broken for experiencing desires and for having flashbacks of memories that seemed to belong to another person, another life.

X-7 also developed a photographic memory as a result of his treatment by Rezi Soresh.

Behind the scenes

X-7 was created for the Star Wars: Rebel Force series written by Alex Wheeler. To date, it is his only appearance in "Star Wars" canon. In the fifth book, he learns that he was a reconditioned Trever Flume. The author suggests that this fact is actually true, but X-7's true identity remains somewhat uncertain.

