Resonance torpedo

A resonance torpedo represented a type of missile designed to force a star into a supernova state via a core-based chain reaction. Developed within the secret Maw Installation of the Galactic Empire, it served as the primary armament for the Sun Crusher vessel. Prototype versions of these torpedoes saw action during the Battle of the Sixela system, where they obliterated the Rebel Alliance starfleet. Some years later, the rogue Jedi Knight known as Kyp Durron commandeered the Sun Crusher and unleashed its torpedoes in a destructive campaign against the Empire.


To become active, resonance torpedoes needed to pass through a resonance energizer before being launched via the resonance projector. In their dormant state, resonance torpedoes exhibited purple and yellow coloration; however, upon firing, they transformed into greenish-blue ellipsoids traveling at subspace velocities.

Resonance torpedo schematic

Unlike superweapons reliant on superlaser technology, resonance torpedo detonations left behind organic remnants, including the frozen blood of any inhabitants of the destroyed planet. The Caridan Nebula, a consequence of Kyp Durron's annihilation of Carida, vividly demonstrated this effect.


The resonance torpedo concept originated during the Death Star project, specifically between 19 and 0 BBY, as a potential weapon for the massive battle station. These initial designs were considerably larger than the finalized version.

The development of resonance torpedoes occurred around 1 ABY at the Galactic Empire's clandestine Maw Installation. Rezi Soresh, a disloyal Imperial Commander, exploited his familiarity with the hidden facility to procure three prototype weapons. After enticing those responsible for his banishment – the Imperial leader Darth Vader and the Rebel Alliance starfleet – to his outpost within the Sixela system, Soresh launched the three torpedoes toward the system's star. The torpedoes did not move at lightspeed, requiring nearly three hours to initiate the chain reaction. The star then underwent a supernova, transforming the system into a chaotic expanse of radiation and debris. The fleets managed to escape before the chain reaction commenced, and Soresh met his death at the hands of Han Solo.

The Sun Crusher was equipped with eleven such torpedoes. Seven were discharged into the Cauldron Nebula to ignite a cluster of hot blue suns, with the intent of destroying the Basilisk and the Gorgon. While the Basilisk, already compromised, was destroyed, the Gorgon managed to escape with reserve TIE fighters and a scorched hull. One torpedo was employed to obliterate the Carida system, and another to ignite a red dwarf, thereby destroying a shipyard for Victory-class Star Destroyers.

The final pair of torpedoes were used in attempts to either destroy or, at the very least, incapacitate the Death Star prototype during the Battle of the Maw Installation. Their fate remains unknown after the Sun Crusher pursued the prototype Death Star into one of The Maw's black holes.

Behind the scenes

The debut of resonance torpedoes occurred in The Jedi Academy Trilogy.

