The resonance projector functioned as a superweapon that launched resonance torpedoes, specialized plasma warheads designed to disrupt the stability of a star's core.
This weapon system, the resonance projector, was designed to launch resonance torpedoes. These torpedoes required activation via the resonance energizer before being launched from the projector. Upon impact with a target star, these torpedoes would initiate a supernova, resulting in widespread destruction. The resonance projector stood out as the sole superweapon with the capacity to obliterate an entire star system, causing the deaths of trillions of sentient beings instantaneously.

During the conceptual phases of the DS-1 Orbital Battle Station, a weapon system referred to as the Resonance Torpedo Launcher was considered as a potential armament for the battle station.
Notably, the Sun Crusher utilized the resonance projector as its main armament. The projectiles fired from this projector were responsible for the annihilation of the Cauldron Nebula and the destabilization of the Carida's star, leading to the destruction of that entire system.