The Sixela system, situated within the Outer Rim Territories in the Thuris sector, was a stellar system. Sixela, a blue giant, was orbited by a minimum of three planets. A major engagement occurred there in 1 ABY, orchestrated by the renegade Imperial Commander Rezi Soresh. The system met its end when prototype weapons were used, triggering a supernova within the star. Despite the intention, the resulting supernova did not eliminate its intended targets: the Alliance Fleet and an Imperial Navy fleet under the command of Darth Vader. After failing to convert Luke Skywalker, the Rebel pilot, into his personal assassin, Soresh met his death while attempting to destroy Skywalker.
Sixela was categorized as a blue giant. The star had at least three planets in its orbit. In 0 ABY, the system's existence ceased when prototype weapons initiated a chain reaction within the star's core, resulting in a supernova that transformed the system into radiation and space dust spanning billions of kilometers.
After failing Darth Vader on Belazura, Galactic Empire Commander Rezi Soresh spent twenty-seven days as a fugitive from the Empire. Eventually, Soresh discovered the Sixela system while piloting his CloakShape fighter. He landed on a desolate barren moon orbiting the third planet to re-evaluate his situation. Leveraging his stored information for bribery and blackmail, he gradually rebuilt his power base with the goal of ensnaring Luke Skywalker, the Rebel pilot who was a primary cause of his downfall.
Soresh eventually amassed sufficient resources to construct his own compound and captured a colony vessel containing 100 individuals, intending to use them as hostages. He selected several Arkanians, along with other beings, and drugged them to serve as his bodyguards.
While planning Skywalker's capture, Soresh also plotted revenge against Darth Vader. Utilizing his questionable resources, Soresh contacted engineers at the clandestine Maw Installation and acquired a secret weapon. Simultaneously, Soresh leaked fabricated intelligence to the Rebels, suggesting that Emperor Palpatine would be visiting the Imperial High Command within the system with minimal protection. This was intended as irresistible bait for General Jan Dodonna.
When Skywalker and his companions arrived on Soresh's moon, Soresh deployed his impostor to meet them. Solo gunned down the impostor, while Skywalker bombarded the compound. Upon landing, Luke Skywalker triggered a series of mines, diverting his attention to the hostages. Soresh, disguised as a colonist, seized Skywalker and his allies. Soresh subjected Skywalker to torture, who feigned loyalty to Soresh in order to buy time for the Alliance Fleet to arrive. Two weeks later, the Rebel fleet emerged from hyperspace within the system. Vader's fleet also arrived, and engaged the Rebels. Skywalker broke free from Soresh during the chaos, and Soresh launched his secret weapon towards the system's star. He had obtained resonance torpedoes, capable of inducing a supernova in a star. Skywalker and Solo joined the ongoing battle in orbit.
Upon impact with the sun, the torpedoes initiated a chain reaction within its core. The Rebel and Imperial fleets retreated from the system, and Solo and Skywalker returned to the surface to evacuate the remaining hostages aboard their vessel. The aged Jedi Ferus Olin dueled Darth Vader, who had landed on the surface. Olin was defeated, but his sacrifice provided the Rebels with the time needed to escape.
Soresh himself was killed when he attempted to blast Skywalker, who was boarding the Millennium Falcon. The Rebels recovered Olin's body and departed the system. Moments later, the supernova annihilated everything within the system.
The Sixela system was first presented in Alex Wheeler's 2010 novel, Rebel Force: Uprising. The only location specifically identified in the book was the desolate moon utilized by Rezi Soresh as a base. Early in the book, Soresh's moon was described as orbiting the third planet, however, later it was stated to orbit the sixth. A number of other inconsistencies are present. The battle within the system marks the first chronological deployment of resonance torpedoes.