This lifeless, crimson moon existed within the Sixela system, situated in the Outer Rim Territories. It orbited the third planet of that system, and its lunar surface was composed solely of desolate red rock. The landscape lacked any vegetation or animal life to diversify the scenery, although the air was breathable. By the time of 1 ABY, the native lifeforms had been extinct for thousands of years, although their subterranean passages remained.
During the time of the Galactic Civil War, the moon fell under the control of Galactic Empire officer Rezi Soresh. Soresh, fleeing from the Sith Lord Darth Vader, sought refuge on the moon to rebuild his strength. After seizing the Arkanian colony ship called the Endeavor, Soresh made contact with the Rebel Alliance flyer Luke Skywalker and threatened to execute his captives unless Skywalker traveled to Soresh's base. Once Skywalker and his allies, the Heroes of Yavin, arrived, Soresh captured them and tried to indoctrinate Skywalker.
As a component of his vengeance plot, Soresh lured both the Imperial spacecraft and the Rebel Alliance Fleet into the system. His intention was to obliterate both opposing forces by initiating a supernova using resonance torpedoes. Skywalker managed to escape during the conflict, and Soresh met his end while attempting to board the Rebels' vessel, the Millennium Falcon. Ultimately, Soresh detonated the system's star, but the fleets jumped to hyperspace just before the moon was destroyed.
This desolate, crimson rock moon circled the third planet within the Sixela system, which was located in the Outer Rim Territories. Its surface was covered in craters and a sparse layer of dust. A meager atmosphere made the moon habitable for Human life, but the stale air was undisturbed, and there was no flora or fauna present.
A civilization once thrived on this moon, but all life had vanished millennia before its rediscovery in 1 ABY. Commander Rezi Soresh arrived on this moon twenty-seven days after his banishment from the Galactic Empire. Given the breathable atmosphere, he dedicated time to converting it for his personal use, seeking revenge for his exile and establishing an outpost along the equator. He eventually captured a colony ship carrying 100 civilians, intending to use them as leverage to draw Rebel pilot Luke Skywalker to the system. After being contacted, Skywalker was determined to rescue the hostages, but his companions refused to let him go alone.
The Millennium Falcon landed on the moon. Rebel operative Han Solo disembarked and encountered a cloaked figure. Two T-65 X-wing starfighters then strafed the compound, enraging the cloaked figure. Solo subsequently shot down the impostor. Skywalker and Leia Organa exited the X-wings to assess the situation, but a series of mines began detonating among the hostages. Rushing to help, Skywalker was struck by a Force pike wielded by a disguised Soresh. Soresh's drugged bodyguards captured Skywalker's companions. Soresh then initiated the process of brainwashing Skywalker, aiming to transform him into an assassin.
Using a brainwashed Rebel reconnaissance, Soresh relayed intelligence to the Alliance Fleet concerning a clandestine meeting of the Imperial High Command. From his control center, Soresh also contacted Darth Vader.
The Rebels remained imprisoned on the moon for a total of two weeks. During this period, Soresh presented Skywalker to his friends and commanded him to kill them; a well-timed distraction by the Rebel's droids, who had remained concealed, enabled their escape. Skywalker rescued Solo and revealed his deception, but requested Solo to shoot him in the shoulder to maintain his cover with Soresh and continue the investigation. Soresh later discovered a semi-conscious Skywalker and praised his loyalty. Back on Yavin 4, the Alliance Fleet prepared for an attack. Former Jedi Ferus Olin was suspicious of the intercepted information, and a visit from a spectral Obi-Wan Kenobi convinced him to trust his instincts. Accompanied by his mercenary friend Div, Ferus Olin launched an unauthorized reconnaissance mission to the moon. Detecting a distress signal on a Rebel frequency, Olin landed and met with Solo and Organa.
As the opposing fleets arrived, Skywalker betrayed Soresh. Instead of launching the resonance torpedoes, Skywalker attacked Soresh's bodyguards. Enraged, Soresh fled and launched his resonance torpedoes to destroy everything in the system. Skywalker and Solo then joined the battle raging in orbit between the two fleets. When the torpedoes struck the system's sun, they initiated a chain reaction that would cause the sun to detonate in 40 minutes.
Both fleets retreated, allowing Skywalker to return to the surface and rescue the remaining hostages. Darth Vader had also landed to confront Soresh, but instead encountered and fought Olin. With only minutes to spare, the Rebels were boarding the Millennium Falcon when Soresh appeared. He attempted to shoot Skywalker, but Solo shot him instead. After the Falcon jumped to hyperspace, the moon and everything else in the system were reduced to radiation and dust as the sun went supernova. Unbeknownst to the Rebels, Vader also escaped.
The moon was once inhabited, but the civilization had long perished by the time of the Galactic Civil War. When Rezi Soresh landed here in his ancient CloakShape fighter, he seized control of the moon for his own purposes. He captured the Arkanian vessel Endeavor and held its 100 passengers hostage on the moon. Soresh was killed, and the hostages were evacuated before the system's destruction.
The ancient inhabitants had constructed an intricate network of underground tunnels. Soresh utilized the tunnels beneath his outpost on the moon's equator. Soresh leveraged data acquired during his time as an Imperial bureaucrat to extort resources for establishing his outpost, which consisted of a cluster of small fortified structures, electrified enclosures, and laser cannons.
The moon's location and characteristics were established in its only appearance, Alex Wheeler's Rebel Force: Uprising. The book initially states that the moon orbits the third planet in the system but later claims it orbits the sixth planet. Numerous other inconsistencies exist throughout the book.
The moon was later mentioned in the 2012 reference book The Essential Reader's Companion.