Twenty-seven days following his banishment from the Galactic Empire, Commander Rezi Soresh made landfall on a desolate, crimson moon. Leveraging data accumulated over the years, Soresh established a base of operations. After the Battle of Yavin, Soresh's Nyemari Mission was designed to entice Rebel Alliance aviator Luke Skywalker to his location. His goal was to convert him into an operative via Project Omega, achieved by threatening the starship Endeavor that functioned as a colony vessel. Skywalker, along with his allies, were captured and detained for a period of two weeks. Subsequently, Skywalker turned against Soresh.
The Sixela system Battle resulted in the destruction of the outpost, which occurred after Soresh deployed resonance torpedoes into the local sun. However, the Rebel prisoners managed to escape.
By the time of its destruction, the outpost was comprised of a compact collection of duracrete structures. Turbolasers loomed over the prisoners, who were confined within electrified enclosures. The long-gone indigenous population had constructed subterranean passages, which Rezi Soresh utilized extensively. The base was positioned on the moon's equator. Furthermore, the outpost featured a command center that included a holoprojector.
Commander Rezi Soresh of the Imperial forces was on the run for twenty-seven days after fleeing death at the hands of Darth Vader. His journey concluded with settling in the Sixela system, choosing a moon that orbited the third planet. Soresh, being an Imperial bureaucrat, had access to substantial data, which he used to bribe or blackmail his way back to power. He then established this outpost on the desolate red moon. He was also able to intercept the colony vessel Endeavor in order to use its crew as hostages in his scheme to transform Luke Skywalker, the pilot from the Alliance to Restore the Republic, into a Force-sensitive assassin. Skywalker and his companions arrived at Soresh's outpost after Soresh made contact with Skywalker, setting a deadline for the hostages' execution. Han Solo landed his starship, the Millennium Falcon, in proximity to the outpost and encountered a hooded figure. Two T-65 X-wing starfighters conducted a strafing run on the compound, destroying the turbolasers that were aimed at the hostages. The hooded figure was angered by this, and he raised his blaster at Solo but was shot instead. The X-wings landed, and Skywalker and Leia Organa disembarked. A series of mines began detonating among the hostages. The Rebel operatives quickly moved to assist and were ambushed by Soresh and his mind-controlled guards.
Soresh then spent two weeks tormenting Skywalker and subjecting him to various trials. One of these trials backfired, leading to the escape of Skywalker's friends, although Skywalker remained behind. Soresh had used the resources at his disposal to acquire resonance torpedoes from the clandestine Maw Installation. These perilous weapons possessed the capability to transform a star into a supernova. Soresh intended to launch the torpedoes at the system's star after luring Darth Vader, along with the Alliance Fleet, to the system, thereby destroying both. When the moment arrived to launch the torpedoes from the command center, Skywalker betrayed Soresh. However, Soresh managed to launch the torpedoes and escape. As the chain reaction in the stars commenced, the opposing fleets withdrew. Soresh attempted to kill Skywalker, but Solo shot him. The outpost and everything within the system were obliterated when the star exploded.
This outpost is featured in Alex Wheeler's 2010 novel, Rebel Force: Uprising. Initially, the moon was described as orbiting the third planet, but later it was said to orbit the sixth.