The Belazura planet was the site of this conflict, which was initiated by the schemes of Galactic Empire Commander Rezi Soresh. After his prior attempts to eliminate the Rebel Alliance pilot responsible for the destruction of the Death Star proved unsuccessful, Soresh summoned his personal assassin, X-7. The Rebels managed to track X-7 to Belazura. The Rebels, with the help of the mercenary Div, attempted to sway X-7 to their cause. X-7 found himself conflicted between loyalty to his master and his newfound companions. During the struggle to obliterate the Imperial garrison stationed on Belazura, Soresh set an ambush for the Rebels. Ferus Olin, a former Jedi, was compelled to kill X-7, but the garrison was ultimately annihilated. Darth Vader, the Imperial leader, demanded Soresh be arrested for his shortcomings, but Soresh managed to flee into exile.
Commander Rezi Soresh, a significant figure within the Imperial hierarchy, leveraged his personal assassin, X-7, in an effort to hunt down the Rebel Alliance pilot who was responsible for destroying the Death Star, the Imperial's superweapon. Following the failure of earlier attempts to eliminate the Rebel pilot, Soresh ordered X-7 back to Belazura for retraining.
During the mission, X-7 had acquired the services of mercenaries; one of these individuals, Div, was captured by Skywalker. Subsequently, Div was liberated from his prison by unidentified individuals. Skywalker, accompanied by companions, pursued Div to Belazura, aided by Ferus Olin, a former Jedi Padawan and Div's former instructor.
The Rebels successfully recaptured Div and employed him in a strategy aimed at converting X-7 to their side; Div played the part that X-7 was actually Div's "brother," Trever Flume. The Rebels also devised a plan to destroy the Imperial Garrison on Belazura to free the planet. Soresh anticipated the Rebel's strategy and attempted to set a trap for them.
As the Rebels launched their assault on the garrison and thwarted the ambush, Soresh contacted X-7, instructing him to complete his assigned task. X-7, confused and now beginning to accept his potential identity as Flume, shot Div in the shoulder as a distraction, and hurried to the garrison. To protect Skywalker from X-7, Olin used his lightsaber to stab X-7, inflicting a fatal wound. Div cradled X-7 in his arms, assuring him that he was important to someone in the end. The Rebels were successful in destroying the garrison.
Enraged that Soresh had interfered with his own pursuit of Skywalker, Darth Vader ordered Soresh's detention, and placed a lieutenant outside Soresh's office. Soresh, rightly fearing for his life, initiated his escape plan and departed Belazura. Angered at the failure, Vader used Force Choke on the Lieutenant.
This battle is depicted in Alex Wheeler's 2010 book titled Rebel Force: Trapped. The consequences of this event would extend into the subsequent book, Rebel Force: Uprising, which serves as the final installment in the series. Trever Flume was a character that originated in the Star Wars: The Last of the Jedi series; Rebel Force: Trapped suggests that X-7 is, in fact, Flume, but it does not explicitly confirm this.