Mission to Nyemari

A quest to the planet Nyemari was launched by the Alliance to Restore the Republic with the aim of pilfering access codes from the Nyemarians. These codes were intended for use against the forces of the Galactic Empire. The undertaking failed when Leia Organa inadvertently triggered the silent alarm system, thus revealing the presence of her and her fellow infiltrators after they had successfully obtained the sought-after codes. Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, alongside Chewbacca, sought refuge in concealment, while Organa commandeered an airspeeder. The Rebels managed to escape and subsequently made their way back to their concealed starship, known as the Millennium Falcon. The Nyemarian who had been providing sanctuary for the Falcon warned them of being followed, prompting the Rebels to give chase to the Glymphid. The Glymphid then played a message for Skywalker, delivered by Rezi Soresh, who threatened the lives of hostages aboard a ship unless Skywalker agreed to meet with him. To demonstrate the sincerity of his threat, the Glymphid died from a delayed-action poison. Consequently, Skywalker and his comrades set out to meet with Soresh in an attempt to rescue the imperiled hostages.

The mission

The Palace infiltration

Rebel leader Leia Organa and her companions, Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, secretly entered the Royal Palace located on Nyemari with the purpose of stealing access codes that would grant them entry to the Galactic Empire garrison. The Rebels were compelled to make a hasty retreat when Solo accidentally bumped into Organa, causing her to trigger the silent alarm. Organa then hurried off to secure a means of escape, while Skywalker and Solo sought cover in a closet. Meanwhile, the Wookiee Chewbacca stood guard, attempting to blend in with the Palace guards. Organa burst through the palace walls piloting an airspeeder, unleashing a barrage of blasters as she retrieved her companions. Thanks to Organa's skilled piloting, they evaded the pursuing Royal guards who were chasing them through the city on 74-Z speeder bikes.

Having acquired the codes, the Rebels made their way back to the South Anem Spaceport, where they had concealed their starship, the Millennium Falcon, with the assistance of a Nyemarian named Li Preni, who was indebted to Solo. Initially, the man denied encountering the Glymphid who was tailing the Rebels, but he confessed the truth when Chewbacca threatened him. Mistaking the Glymphid for a bounty hunter dispatched by Jabba, Solo convinced the others to confront the Glymphid.

Mysterious messenger

The Rebels managed to corner the Glymphid who had been following them. The Glymphid approached Skywalker and presented him with a hologram from former Imperial Commander Rezi Soresh. In the hologram, Soresh demanded that Skywalker meet him in the Sixela system, threatening to kill all the passengers on a colony vessel, numbering over 100 individuals, if Skywalker refused to comply. To underscore the seriousness of his threat, Soresh had the messenger killed in front of Skywalker using a time-delayed poison. Realizing that he had no other option, Skywalker agreed to meet with Soresh alone, but his companions refused to let him go without providing backup. Consequently, they departed from Nyemari to meet Soresh on his barren moon, abandoning their original plan to continue to Organa's diplomatic mission to the Winagrew system.

Behind the scenes

The mission is described in Alex Wheeler's 2010 publication titled Rebel Force: Uprising.

