Rezi Soresh (impostor)

This impostor, a male Human who posed as Galactic Empire Commander Rezi Soresh, was part of Soresh's plot against the Heroes of Yavin during 1 ABY. This individual greeted the Rebels upon their arrival near Soresh's base in the Sixela system. His purpose was to impersonate Soresh, who was attempting to ensnare Luke Skywalker following their contacting Skywalker on Nyemari. Soresh had seized an colony vessel and was holding its passengers captive, threatening their lives unless Skywalker surrendered.

Han Solo exited the Millennium Falcon after the Rebels landed on Soresh's barren moon. He encountered the hooded impostor, mistaking him for the actual Soresh. The impostor inquired about Skywalker's presence. Solo gave a vague response, indicating that Skywalker might or might not be aboard the Falcon. While they were talking, two T-65 X-wing starfighters attacked the compound. When the impostor attempted to blame Solo for the impending execution of the hostages, he revealed a triple blaster. Solo responded by shot the impostor. The impostor's blaster discharged as his body fell to the ground a few meters away.

Following the landing of the X-wings, mines began detonating among the hostages. The Rebels hurried to assist them. Skywalker was then confronted by a hostage, who revealed himself to be the genuine Soresh by attacking Skywalker with a Force pike, thus capturing him and his companions.

Behind the scenes

The method by which Soresh utilized an impostor remains unclear, though it is likely he was drugged using chemical substances commonly employed by Soresh to manipulate his servants. The impostor's sole appearance occurred in Alex Wheeler's 2010 novel, Rebel Force: Uprising.

