Battle of T'olan

The Battle of T'olan, a significant engagement during the early stages of the Clone Wars, occurred around 22 BBY. In this conflict, the forces of the Galactic Republic clashed with an opposing army at T'olan, a location situated within the Wuun system. Tragically, amidst the intensity of the battle, the mother of a boy named Trever Flume, who served as a captain in the Republic Military, met her death.


The Clone Wars erupted in 22 BBY when numerous planets, united as the Confederacy of Independent Systems, declared their separation from the then-governing galactic authority, the Galactic Republic.

To participate in the Republic Military, a woman made the difficult decision to leave her family behind on their homeworld of Bellassa. In a poignant moment before her departure, she assured her son, Trever Flume, that he could not accompany her into battle and vowed to return to him unharmed.

The battle

In the early days of the conflict, the Republic engaged in combat at T'olan, a site located within the Wuun system in the Mid Rim. This particular battle was exceptionally bloody, and it was here that Trever Flume's mother perished, serving her duty as a captain.


The Clone Wars reached their conclusion with the ascension of the Republic's successor state, the Galactic Empire, in 19 BBY. By 18 BBY, the Empire had exerted its control over Bellassa, resulting in the deaths of Trever Flume's father and brother in a devastating bombing. This left Trever Flume an orphan, plunging him into a state of anger, confusion, and depression. He eventually found his way into the Bellassan black market, forever haunted by the loss of his family. The promises made by his mother before her departure, and echoed by his father and brother before their deaths, instilled in him a deep-seated anxiety whenever loved ones assured him of their safe return from dangerous situations without allowing him to join them. Months after becoming an orphan, Trevor Flume shared his story with the former Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi. Even though years had elapsed since the battle of T'olan, Kenobi vividly remembered its reputation for being exceptionally deadly when Flume mentioned the circumstances of his mother's death.

Behind the scenes

The initial mention of the battle of T'olan can be found in the young reader novel The Last of the Jedi: The Desperate Mission (2005) penned by Jude Watson. It's worth noting that the name of the battle was presented in lowercase within the novel.

In The Desperate Mission, Trever Flume stated that his mother had been a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, a detail that contradicts established lore. According to The Essential Guide to Warfare (2012), the Grand Army exclusively consisted of clone troopers. These clones were exclusively male and primarily derived from the genetic template of the bounty hunter Jango Fett. While Jedi Generals and Jedi Commanders were considered part of the Grand Army and were not clones, they held significantly higher ranks than the captains, who were clones. Nevertheless, the Republic's military also included non-clone divisions, such as the Planetary Security Forces and the Judicials.

Another book in the The Last of the Jedi series, Death on Naboo (2006), inaccurately claimed that the Galactic Empire was responsible for Trever Flume's mother's death during her fight against them. This is inconsistent with the timeline, as the Galactic Empire had not yet been established at the time of her demise. In The Last of the Jedi: A Tangled Web (2006), Trever's recollection placed his mother's death on Bellassa, diverging from the T'olan setting. These narratives appear to conflate her fate with that of her partner and other son, whose deaths at the hands of the Empire on Bellassa were established in The Desperate Mission. However, A Tangled Web also distinctly acknowledges the deaths of those two as separate from hers.

