A Bothan male named Oryon served as a spy for the Republic Intelligence during the Clone Wars. He later became affiliated with the Erased.

Following Chancellor Palpatine's reorganization of the Republic into the Galactic Empire, Oryon became a member of the Erased. During a stormtrooper assault on an Erased base, he played a role in saving some of his comrades, though not all survived. He journeyed alongside Jedi Master Fy-Tor-Ana to facilitate the rescue of Ferus Olin, and together they aided in temporarily liberating Naboo from the Empire's control. Subsequently, Oryon assisted Fy-Tor-Ana in extracting two of Ferus's associates, Roan Lands and Dona Telamark, from the clutches of the government on Bellassa, with assistance from The Eleven. Oryon met his death when Darth Vader obliterated the asteroid.
A Repeating blaster of the light variety was among Oryon's known equipment.