Linna Naltree, a scientist of Human descent, lived during the era of the Clone Wars. Abducted from her home planet and relocated to Despayre, Naltree began her work at the Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center. It was here that Jenna Zan Arbor took notice of her. Naltree rose to become Zan Arbor's aide, collaborating on the scientist's memory serum and was slated as the initial test subject. However, before this could happen, Trever Flume infiltrated Jenna Zan Arbor's apartment, encountering the two scientists. Reacting swiftly, Naltree injected Zan Arbor with a dose of the mind-altering serum. After their escape, Naltree was reunited with her husband, and they sought refuge on the planet Mila.
Following the declaration of Order 66 by Emperor Palpatine, she and her husband, Tobin Gantor, provided sanctuary to Jedi Master Ry-Gaul on their home world, granting him a new identity. Subsequently, the Galactic Empire captured them, compelling them to serve its purposes, while Ry-Gaul tirelessly searched for them. A year following the Empire's replacement of the Galactic Republic after the Clone Wars, Linna found herself in Ussa, the capital of Bellassa, along with numerous other scientists. Most of these scientists were working against their will for the Empire because their families were held hostage as a control method. During a conference, they received instructions from Lord Darth Vader and Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin to work on a secret project, the nature of which remained unknown to them. Shortly thereafter, Ferus Olin, Roan Lands, Amie Antin, and the young Trever Flume breached an Imperial facility to uncover details about this secret project overseen by Tarkin. However, they were discovered, resulting in Roan's death at the hands of Darth Vader, and the capture of Ferus and Amie, leaving Trever as the sole escapee, hiding from the Sith Lord. It was at this point that Linna encountered Flume and aided his escape, utilizing a plan originally intended for herself. Some weeks later, she was assigned as an assistant to the cruel doctor Jenna Zan Arbor and worked at the ImPal OpRek when Ferus Olin broke in and wanted to free Astri Oddo's son Lune. She asked Ferus to take her too, which he did. When it turned out that the three of them couldn't escape, she returned to allow Ferus and Lune to escape.
A few days following the failed rescue attempt, Trever journeyed to Zan Arbor's apartment in the opulent 500 Republica tower, where she resided with the doctor. He infiltrated the apartment to rescue her, motivated by her assistance in his escape from Ussa and Ferus's request to ensure her liberation this time. Inside the apartment, Trever encountered Ry-Gaul, who also sought to free her, expressing gratitude for her and her husband Tobin's life-saving actions. Meanwhile, Tobin had escaped the Empire and warned Master Ry-Gaul, that Zan Arbor would most likely be the first to test her memory-erasing drug on Linna, and led Trever and Ry-Gaul to rescue her that same day. They waited on the landing platform until Zan Arbor arrived with her. Then they ambushed them in the turbolift, and while Ry-Gaul deflected Zan Arbor's blaster fire, Linna managed to administer the drug, erasing her memories of her experiments. In the apartment she took all the notes for security. Later, after a long time, she met her husband Tobin again. Ry-Gaul had laid out new identity cards for them and after bidding farewell to him and Trever, she and her husband departed for Mila, seeking a peaceful life there.