Jenna Zan Arbor's apartment

The residence of Jenna Zan Arbor was situated within the 500 Republica tower, found on Coruscant. The year 18 BBY saw it as the property of Jenna Zan Arbor, a scientist employed by Darth Vader. Its size was considerable, encompassing an entire floor on one of the building's higher stories. A sizable terrace and a view of Galactic City's spaceways were among its features. A small, interior room without windows was also present, serving as quarters for Linna Naltree, Zan Arbor's coerced helper.

During that same year, Trever Flume, a street urchin and acquaintance of former Jedi Ferus Olin, gained unauthorized access to the apartment with the aid of small explosive devices. His objective was to locate a datapad, or any item containing details regarding Zan Arbor. Following an encounter with Ry-Gaul, a former Jedi who had similarly gained entry, he departed the premises.

