
Rosha was a planetary body located within the confines of the Leemurtoo system. This celestial body existed in close proximity to Samaria.

In the era of the Clone Wars, Rosha sided with the Confederacy of Independent Systems and maintained significant ties to the Trade Federation.

While the Galactic Empire and Bog Divinian were present on Samaria, Bog manipulated the Samarians into considering Rosha, rather than the Empire, as their adversary by staging a situation where his life appeared to be threatened. Robbyn Sark journeyed to Samaria to confront Bog regarding these accusations of falsely implicating Rosha and its inhabitants; however, Bog refuted the accusations. Bog Divinian harbored ambitions of seizing control of Rosha, and indeed, the entire Leemurtoo system. Ultimately, he realized this aspiration upon being designated as the Imperial governor overseeing the entire system.

During the year 19 BBY, the Empire initiated Order 37, leading to a large-scale assault on Rosha. This action was motivated, in part, by the desire to apprehend resistance fighters, but also to garner support from Bog Divinian on Samaria. Following the onslaught, Bog assumed responsibility for the rebuilding of the city.

The indigenous species, known as Roshans, bore a resemblance to Human beings, distinguished by the presence of four antennae atop their heads, which exhibited a twitching motion when they experienced anxiety.

