Personal Droid

The Personal Droid, originating from LeisureMech, represented a unique iteration of droids tailored for user-friendliness.

Its design surpassed the capabilities of a basic droid brain, featuring specialized components for owner interaction, primarily functioning as a personal aide.


This Personal Droid was specifically programmed to serve as a personal assistant for its owner. It managed crucial data and handled repetitive tasks. Its advantage over a standard organizational computer lay in its ability to adapt to unforeseen circumstances. Moreover, it served as a source of entertainment, engaging in light conversations on diverse subjects and offering popular games like Sabacc and Pazaak.

The inhabitants of Samaria developed such a fondness for their PDs that they became inseparable, affectionately calling them "Peteys." Outsiders received their own "Petey" upon being "adopted" as honorary Samarians, as exemplified by Bog Divinian prior to his election as the planet's leader. His initial action as ruler involved discarding his "Petey" and urging his fellow Samarians to follow suit. In compliance with their new leader's desires, hundreds lined up to retire their PDs, effectively ending their operational lives.


Frequently known as "PD" or "Petey," the Personal Droid retained comprehensive information about its user, encompassing financial details, dietary habits, and even the fuel level of their vehicle. Its lightweight design allowed it to be conveniently worn on the shoulder or secured in a custom holster.

