Blackwater Systems

Blackwater Systems was established by the criminal Granta Omega and the scientist Jenna Zan Arbor sometime prior to 24 BBY. This enterprise, situated on the planet of Falleen, functioned as a research and development facility focused on the Zone of Self-Containment drug. Notorious for its disregard of environmental and safety regulations, the company became the target of a protest group aiming to expose its unlawful activities. In 24 BBY, several Jedi infiltrated Blackwater's factory, leading Omega to opt for its destruction to prevent the discovery of his work.


Employees of Blackwater Systems donned red jumpsuits, known as unisuits, and monitored machinery that regulated the injection of liquid into canisters. A significant portion of the workforce was tasked with verifying the machines for errors, while new hires were assigned to sweep the factory floors before their shifts ended. Managers were expected to oversee the workers from a platform encircling the upper level of the factory floor, though their attentiveness was often lacking. The factory itself was positioned at the far end of a series of factories, situated over two kilometers away from the closest cloud-bus stop. Constructed entirely from black durasteel and stone, the windowless building featured an additional wing on one side. Blackwater gained infamy for its deliberate neglect of safety protocols and its practice of bribing inspectors to overlook the violations that resulted in the deaths of multiple employees, and was willing to use deadly force against civilians.


Before 24 BBY, the criminal figure Granta Omega and the scientist Jenna Zan Arbor established Blackwater Systems, subsequently opening a factory in the Yellow District of the planet Falleen shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars. Omega, Zan Arbor, and Roy Teda, a deposed dictator from the planet of Romin, utilized the Blackwater Systems facility to conduct experiments on various water-based delivery methods for the Zone of Self-Containment, a drug intended to render individuals exposed to it too passive to react to external stimuli, as part of a scheme to introduce the drug to the inhabitants of the galactic capital Coruscant.

In 24 BBY, Blackwater attempted to eliminate members of a group of protesters as they prepared to forcibly enter its factory. This attempt was thwarted by the intervention of the Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi, along with their apprentices, Anakin Skywalker and Ferus Olin, who rescued the leader of the protest group, Mazara, from an assassination attempt. Mazara then connected the Jedi with an employment officer, Wanuri, who secured them positions allowing them to infiltrate the factory in pursuit of Omega. Upon realizing the presence of Jedi within the building, Omega detonated explosives to destroy the facility, hoping to eliminate his pursuers. This destruction also eradicated evidence of the Zone of Self-Containment and a section of the facility that replicated a portion of the Senate utility tunnels, originally situated beneath the Senate Building on Coruscant. This replica was used to model the drug's effectiveness if introduced through the original tunnels via water or air to Coruscant's population.

Behind the scenes

Blackwater Systems is featured in the young-adult novel Jedi Quest: The False Peace, which is the ninth installment in the Jedi Quest series authored by Jude Watson.

