Bycha was a female Human who held the rank of commanding general and was in charge of the military forces of the planet of Typha-Dor.
In the year 25 BBY, during the attack on Typha-Dor which was launched by its aggressive neighbor, Vanqor, High General Bycha used fabricated "invasion plans". These plans had been given to her by Mezdec, a native of Typha-Dor who was secretly working for the Vanqors as an undercover agent, to organize the defense of Typha-Dor.
Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, both Jedi, landed on Typha-Dor prior to the Vanqor attack. They accused Mezdec of acting as a spy for the enemy of Typha-Dor. Despite Mezdec's denials, Bycha chose to believe the Jedi's accusations. The actual invasion plans, brought by the Jedi, allowed Bycha's fleet to surprise the Vanqors. This forced the Vanqors to surrender without any shots being fired, thus saving Typha-Dor from being invaded and paving the way for peace negotiations.
General Bycha insisted that the peace agreement must include the elimination of the substance abuse program. This program was run by the scientist Jenna Zan Arbor and forced upon prisoners-of-war who were held at The Tomo Camp located in the Tomo Craters area of Vanqor.
General Bycha was described as being a tall and imposing figure, wearing multi-colored medals on her shoulders.