Tomo Camp

The Tomo Camp, a prisoner detention facility in a far-off location, was situated in the harsh and uneven landscape known as the "Tomo Craters," found on the planet Vanqor within the Uziel system.

Under the command of Van-Ith, the expansionist government of Vanqor established this camp as a place to hold prisoners originating from various planets inside the Uziel system; these planets had been invaded and then conquered by Vanqor's forces.

The prisoners, deprived of their personal clothing, were issued coarse, brown tunics to wear. They were then moved into energy-fenced enclosures situated outside of grey buildings and under the watchful eyes of security towers. Periodically, "sweeps" occurred, during which a number of prisoners were selected and taken away for "medical experiments" inside an unmarked building, from which none ever came back.

The "experiments" were carried out by the galactic scientist Jenna Zan Arbor, a figure widely regarded as both deranged and evil. She utilized Vanqor as a secret location to test one of her creations, the Zone of Self-Containment. This scientist was the instigator of the Tomo Camp "sweeps" targeting its prisoners, who were then forced to undergo Zan Arbor's drug-testing processes.

In 25 BBY, Jedi Anakin Skywalker, identified as "Prisoner 42601," became one of the victims subjected to these drugs. He was apprehended and transported to the camp following a crash landing on Vanqor during a mission to Typha-Dor. Skywalker's Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi managed to infiltrate this infamous camp to accomplish a rescue of his Padawan and fellow resistance fighters. Although Kenobi only managed to escape with Skywalker, Jedi Siri Tachi later came back with a contingent of Jedi Knights with the mission to liberate the other prisoners being held unjustly.

