Poderis was a planetary body located in the Orus sector of the Inner Rim, as documented in Legends continuity.
The colonists of Poderis, a challenging world, endured due to their resilience and determination. The planet featured a peculiar ten-hour day and an almost 90-degree axial tilt, leading to powerful hurricane-force winds during the transition seasons. The landscape was characterized by massive mesas rising from the planet's oceans. The inhabitants resided behind protective structures known as shield-barriers, constructed from starship-quality metal, to mitigate the intense winds. Additionally, Poderis served as a clandestine location for smuggler rendezvous.
Following the establishment of the Galactic Empire and the execution of Order 66, Qid Proko, a Jedi Knight who had escaped, established a residence on Poderis. Successfully evading the Great Jedi Purge, Proko earned his living as a mechanic, enjoying a peaceful existence.
During the year 9 ABY, Grand Admiral Thrawn strategically used Poderis to mislead Luke Skywalker in his pursuit of the Empire's clone operations. This ruse proved effective, leading Luke to infiltrate the Imperial-controlled planet.

Skywalker eventually found himself cornered on a rooftop connected to Poderis' shield-barrier, attempting to evade capture. His objective was to ascertain whether Poderis served as a transfer point for the Empire's burgeoning clone program. Employing his enhanced sensory abilities, Luke sought to detect any nearby Imperial presence. Besides an intelligence agent tailing him, Luke discerned areas where his powers were ineffective, indicating the presence of ysalamiri. Realizing he had been ensnared, he ascended to the rooftop, only to discover his escape routes were blocked.
He then created a makeshift protective covering for his hand using a fragment torn from the left sleeve of his tunic. Subsequently, he carved a channel into the wall's exterior, inserting his hand and initiating his descent by employing his lightsaber as a guide, excavating a sloping path for his hand to follow. After traversing approximately 100 meters along the wall's surface, he breached the shield-barrier, successfully re-entering the city.
Later, the Yuuzhan Vong launched an attack on the world during their invasion of the galaxy.
In the PC game Star Wars: Rebellion, the Orus sector, and consequently Poderis, are erroneously located in the Outer Rim Territories.