A male Quarren Jedi Knight named Qid Proko survived the infamous Order 66. This directive, issued by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, aimed to eradicate the entire Jedi Order after the conclusion of the Clone Wars. Managing to escape the subsequent Great Jedi Purge, Proko wandered throughout the galaxy for a time. Eventually, he chose to settle on the planet Poderis, located in the Inner Rim, where he began a new life as a mechanic.
Qid Proko, a male Quarren Jedi Knight, was a member of the Jedi Order. Aligning himself with the Jedi Consular path, Proko dedicated himself to serving the Galactic Republic during its final years. As the Clone Wars drew to a close in 19 BBY, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine proclaimed himself Emperor. He seized control of the Republic, the very entity that Proko and his fellow Jedi had sworn to protect, and transformed it into the Galactic Empire. With the implementation of Order 66, Palpatine commanded the Republic's clone troopers to turn against their Jedi commanders and execute them. Although Proko was situated in the Core Worlds at the time, he successfully evaded the initial purge. As the Emperor's New Order consolidated its power, Proko traversed the galaxy, managing to survive the dangers of the Great Jedi Purge.
His journeys ultimately led him to the storm-ridden Inner Rim world of Poderis. There, he established a new existence as a technician, finding employment in a speeder bike repair shop. Within the local community, Proko gained a reputation as a reserved yet trustworthy individual. Despite abandoning his former life as a Jedi for a more ordinary profession, and even adopting the use of a blaster rifle, Proko ensured his lightsaber remained safely stored away.
Following the Republic's downfall, Qid Proko became known for his quiet and trustworthy nature. He possessed fluency in multiple languages, including Basic, Quarren, Mon Calamarian, and Rodese. Notably, his full name in the Quarren language translates to "quick-witted seeker of lights."
During his time as a Jedi, Proko mastered a variety of Force powers, including telekinesis, telepathy, Force healing, empathy, and Force stealth.
The Rebellion Era Sourcebook, a supplement for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game published in 2001 by Bill Slavicsek, Steve Miller, and Owen K.C. Stephens, marked the first mention of Qid Proko. According to the book's content, Proko was created to serve as an example of a Jedi mentor whom player characters might seek out to advance their Jedi training.