
The Jarells were a reptiloid species of humanoid form. Their origins lie on the planet Oon Tien, located within the Kathol sector. Prior to encountering Galactic Republic colony ships around three centuries before the Battle of Endor, they had established a basic civilization on their homeworld, structured around matriarchal city-states.

Historically, the Jarell people displayed a tendency towards violence. The ruling monarchies of their society commonly subjected their youth to periods of forced labor in return for advanced weaponry and technological advancements. Post-Republic contact, Jarells dispersed to various planets within the Kathol sector and often served as hired muscle for private individuals, corporate entities, and criminal syndicates.

Biology and appearance

The Jarells were a physically imposing reptiloid species of humanoid shape, characterized by their considerable physical power. Their skin exhibited a mottled pattern, primarily consisting of purple and white hues, with blue markings present on the arms and forehead regions.

Their skulls were broad, featuring four prominent bony ridges extending from the brow, across the scalp, and down to the nape of the neck, where small spikes emerged. They possessed red [eyes](/article/eye-legends]. In place of a conventional mouth, they had a collection of thick tendrils covering the lower portion of their face. Small bony protrusions were present on their elbows, and their fingers ended in sharp claws.

Society and culture

Jarell society was governed by monarchies, with their population divided among numerous city-states scattered across their homeworld of Oon Tien. Known as a historically violent species, Jarells were often perceived as unintelligent by other species. However, they demonstrated creativity, keen perception, strong memories, and a tradition of oral storytelling. Their language, Jarellian, comprised several dialects but lacked a written form.

Oon Tien, the Jarell homeworld, depicted on a map

After encountering the wider galaxy, many monarchies on the planet arranged for young Jarells to enter periods of indentured servitude. These arrangements were made with corporations, private citizens, criminal organizations, and even Imperial governors, who utilized them as hired muscle and general laborers. The servitude typically lasted between seven and eleven years. While essentially a form of slavery, young Jarells were conditioned to accept it as a normal phase of life, viewing it as a rite of passage from childhood to adulthood.

Although few Jarells actually benefited from this arrangement, they hoped their service would introduce them to individuals who could grant them power or help them accumulate wealth. Consequently, young Jarells nearing their service looked forward to this time with anticipation and purpose. While generally loyal, some Jarells were willing to betray their employers if it served their own interests.


The Jarell species originated on Oon Tien, a planet situated in the Kathol sector. Living in monarchical city-states, they possessed a rudimentary understanding of metalworking when Galactic Republic colony ships first made contact approximately three centuries prior to the Battle of Endor which took place in 4 ABY.

Subsequently, Human settlers established several communities on Oon Tien, coexisting with their Jarell counterparts. Despite their technological limitations, the Jarell monarchies initiated trade with the Humans, exchanging gemstones and the labor of their young in return for weaponry and advanced technology. These weapons fueled a series of armed conflicts and revolutions that reshaped Jarell society, although the fighting remained confined to Jarell territories and did not affect the Human settlements.

Following Republic contact, Oon Tien became an important part of the Kathol sector, its industry heavily reliant on manufacturing and agriculture. Jarells also established settlements on other planets within the Kathol sector, including Kolatill, Pembric II, and Corjain.

Jarells in the galaxy

Within the Kathol sector, Jarells were commonly found fulfilling their periods of indentured servitude, serving those who had contracted their services. Their strength and violent tendencies were often exploited in these roles.

Behind the scenes

The Jarell species was first conceived for The DarkStryder Campaign, a supplementary material for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game produced by West End Games and released in 1995.

