
Kolatill, a planet, resided within the Kolatill system, itself a part of the Kathol sector located in the Outer Rim Territories. Serving as a convenient stop for starships engaged in commerce along the Trition Trade Route, the planet was situated a few days' journey from Kal'Shebbol, the sector capital. Known as a significant hub for repulsorlift production in the sector, Kolatill was governed by the Kolatill Council until Kentor Sarne, an Imperial Moff, assumed control of the Kathol sector in 2 BBY. The planet was placed under martial law in 0 ABY, and the majority of its repulsorlift manufacturing was redirected to producing combat speeders for Moff Sarne's forces.

Following the successful liberation of Kal'Shebbol by New Republic forces in 8 ABY, a popular revolt on Kolatill led to the overthrow of Tetrum, their Imperial governor, and the reinstatement of the Kolatill Council. This act of defiance prompted the arrival of the Ton-Falk-class escort carrier Kathol Protector in-system, which then deployed TIE bombers to attack Domaz, the city serving as the capital, leaving it devastated and ablaze. Kolatill dispatched a distress signal, which was answered by the CR90 corvette FarStar of the New Republic. This vessel offered relief to the planet and engaged the Kathol Protector in battle when the Imperial ship returned to launch a second assault using pathogenic bombs. The combined efforts of the FarStar, its fighter squadron, and the Kolatill Defense Force prevented further destruction of the world.


The planet of Kolatill existed within the Kolatill system, which was a part of the Kathol sector found in the Outer Rim Territories. As a modest waypoint along the Trition Trade Route, Kolatill was situated a distance of forty-six hours from Kal'Shebbol, the sector capital, when traveling with a Class One hyperdrive, or ninety-two hours using a Class Two unit. Kolatill maintained connections to five other star systems through hyperlanes. The Torize system lay one day and four hours from Kolatill, while the Aaris system was sixteen hours away. The Charis system required twenty-one hours of travel, the Corjain system was a short three hour journey, and fifteen hours were needed to reach the Oon Tien system.

Due to the planet's significant axial tilt, it experienced drastic seasonal changes. Bitterly cold winters extended for five months, except near the equator, and intensely hot summers lasted almost as long. Both of these seasons proved particularly challenging for the planet's inhabitants. Each day on the planet spanned twenty-eight standard hours, and a year consisted of 405 local days. The equatorial regions presented a variety of landscapes, including forests, mountains, lowlands, plains, and wetlands, and had a lower population density compared to the north. The mountain ranges remained untouched by heavy industry, and agricultural complexes formed the primary industry, with the raising of herd animals like chollas and banthas serving as the main economic activity. The meat and hides commanded high prices in the northern cities' markets and were exported to the neighboring planets of Gandle Ott and Torize. The cultivation of fruit and vegetable in the wetlands allowed Kolatill to be largely self-sufficient in terms of food. However, the planet depended on external trade for advanced technology items such as computers, processing machinery, medicines, and starships.

Domaz functioned as Kolatill's capital city, and its economy was primarily focused on repulsorlift manufacturing. The planet was considered a major producer of repulsorcraft and related equipment within the sector. The northern continental mountain chains housed numerous mining operations and repulsorlift factories. Ikas-Adno, a significant repulsorcraft manufacturer, operated roughly a dozen factories on the planet, with several local companies, such as GandleMotors and Kal'Shebbol Transport, producing their own designs. These local companies also provided parts to the Ikas-Adno plants.

The planet's population totaled 400 million individuals, predominantly Humans, Twi'leks, and Jarell. The main population centers were situated in the northern regions of the planet, close to the main industrial areas and manufacturing facilities. Mountain ranges dominated the north, supplying a steady flow of materials and ores to Kolatill's industrial base. Outside the cities, the wilderness presented dangers, with predators roaming the mountain passes and attacking herd animals.


Under Galactic Empire Control

The Kolatill Council governed Kolatill until the Galactic Empire installed Kentor Sarne as Moff of the Kathol sector in 2 BBY. Recognizing the potential of the planet's significant repulsorlift manufacturing capabilities, Sarne established a tyrannical regime. In 0 ABY, he appointed Tetrum as the planetary governor, who declared martial law across the entire planet. The Kolatill Council was arrested and imprisoned, and all local repulsorlift manufacturing plants were ordered to produce combat speeders for Sarne's military forces. Only Ikas-Adno, due to its wealth and political connections, was exempt from this decree. These changes fostered a tense and restless population, sympathetic to the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and later, the New Republic. However, Tetrum employed an extensive network of spies to identify potential threats and enemy sympathizers.

Liberation by the People

After the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Moff Sarne discreetly withdrew the Kathol sector from the collapsing Empire and established himself as a warlord. Consequently, Kolatill, like much of the Kathol sector, became accountable only to Sarne. In 8 ABY, the New Republic launched an assault on Kal'Shebbol, liberating the sector capital from Sarne's control and forcing the Moff to retreat into the Kathol sector's deep regions with the majority of his fleet. Upon receiving news of Sarne's defeat at Kal'Shebbol, the population of Kolatill staged an uprising, overthrowing and imprisoning Governor Tetrum. The surviving three members of the Kolatill Council were released and resumed control of the planet. Their first act was to declare their allegiance to the New Republic. They also acquired six TIE fighters to begin forming their own defense force.

Imperial Revenge

Soon after the planet declared its loyalty to the New Republic, the Imperial Ton-Falk-class escort carrier Kathol Protector entered the system and launched TIE bombers towards Kolatill. The bombers targeted Domaz, the capital, leaving much of it in ruins. Following the attack, the ship broadcast a message to the planet, stating that the assault was a lesson for those who chose to join the New Republic, before departing the system. Kolatill's government sent out a distress signal to the New Republic forces stationed at Kal'Shebbol, and the CR90 corvette FarStar intercepted the transmission while in orbit around the planet. The vessel, preparing for a shakedown cruise before a mission to locate Moff Sarne after his escape from the capital, responded immediately to the message. Monjai, the newly appointed New Republic governor of Kal'Shebbol, also promised to send medical ships to Kolatill as soon as possible.

Noell Ciro's X-wing crashes into a TIE bomber in the Battle of Kolatill.

The FarStar reached the planet four days after Domaz was bombed, and provided all available aid to the city, assisting in relief efforts such as caring for the injured, recovering medical supplies, distributing food, and guarding supply convoys from looters and wild animals. Captain Keleman Ciro, the commanding officer of the FarStar, held diplomatic meetings with Councillor [Kause] ( /article/kause) of the Kolatill Council, which were then broadcast across the planet to boost morale.

Shortly after the FarStar's arrival, the Kathol Protector returned to the system to attack the planet again. This time, the TIE bombers were equipped with virulent pathogenic bombs and planned to attack several other cities on the planet simultaneously. While the FarStar engaged the Kathol Protector in orbit, elements of the corvette's fighter squadron, led by Lieutenant Ranna Gorjaye and supported by the Kolatill Defense Force, intercepted the bombers before they could release their payloads. During the battle, Captain Ciro, who was traveling in a shuttle between the FarStar and the planet when the attack occurred, was captured by the escort carrier. In addition, his brother, fighter pilot Noell Ciro, sacrificed his life to destroy a TIE bomber approaching its target, ramming it after his own craft lost its weapons. With its bomber force defeated, the Kathol Protector withdrew from the system.

Following the successful defense of the planet, the Kolatill Council held a memorial service for those who died in the battle. As thanks to the FarStar and its crew, the Council gave them the coordinates to the planet Gandle Ott, believing that Sarne was headed there.


Kolatill was inhabited by 400 million beings, including significant populations of Humans, Twi'leks, and Jarells. Dissatisfied with the Galactic Empire's rule, much of the population became sympathetic to the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and later the New Republic, and openly declared their independence from the Empire at the first opportunity. Notable inhabitants included Councillor Kause, a member of the ruling Kolatill Council; Lon Bennor, who organized relief efforts in Domaz following the Imperial bombing; and Tren, who led food distribution after the attack.


Domaz, the planet's capital city, was a large urban area with residential and capital districts, and a large park in the center. In 8 ABY, the city was attacked and devastated by TIE bombers from the Imperial escort carrier Kathol Protector in retaliation for the planet's overthrow of their Imperial governor. Much of the city's capital district was destroyed, and the residential areas were severely damaged. Large areas were left burning, and the park at the center was used as an emergency aid station and refugee camp. New Republic forces assisted in relief and recovery operations in the city several days after the initial attack.

Kolatill also had several other populated cities and agricultural settlements spread across the planet. After the bombing of Domaz, these cities sent aid and supplies to the capital to assist in recovery. During the subsequent Battle of Kolatill, these other cities were targeted for destruction by the TIE bombers from the Kathol Protector using pathogenic bombs. The combined efforts of the FarStar's starfighter squadron and the Kolatill Defense Force prevented the destruction of any more population areas.

The main source of Kolatill's industry—the manufacture of repulsorlift vehicles and parts—was enabled by the extensive mountain ranges in the planet's northern hemisphere. These mountains provided the raw materials needed to produce repulsorlift-related technology, and most of the planet's population centers were established in the northern hemisphere to take advantage of these natural resources.

Behind the scenes

Kolatill was featured in the adventure "Omens," written by Bill Smith. It was published in The DarkStryder Campaign, a roleplaying game sourcebook for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games in 1995. The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, established that the Kolatill system was located in grid square M-21.

