Monjai was an Elomin female in service to the New Republic. Following the liberation of the planet of Kal'Shebbol in 8 ABY, she was given the position of Governor. This decision was made because it was believed she would be better suited to connect with the significant non-Human population residing there. The appointment of Monjai was well-received by the alien community of the world, and she immediately began the process of reconstructing the damaged infrastructure and developing a local defense force to guarantee the planet's safety. Some months later, Monjai welcomed the crew of the CR90 corvette named FarStar upon their return from their extensive mission to locate Moff Kentor Sarne, the former Imperial ruler of Kal'Shebbol.
Monjai, an Elomin female, served the New Republic in 8 ABY. After the successful liberation of Kal'Shebbol, a planet in the Kathol sector of the Outer Rim Territories, she was appointed as its new governor. Moff Kentor Sarne had previously controlled the planet, having quietly separated the Kathol sector from the Galactic Empire after the death of Emperor Palpatine at the Battle of Endor four years prior. To liberate the world and capture the Moff, the New Republic dispatched a task force along with members of Page's Commandos. Despite their efforts, Sarne managed to escape from the New Republic with most of his forces, fleeing into the Kathol sector.
Following the battle to liberate the planet, Monjai's primary concern was preventing Kal'Shebbol from falling into disarray. During his rule, Moff Sarne had alienated the significant non-Human population by disregarding their traditional clan and city-state social structures, replacing local community leaders with Imperial Prefects. Consequently, the majority of the non-Human population harbored negative feelings towards Humans in general. It was hoped that Monjai, being an Elomin, would reassure the various alien species residing on Kal'Shebbol of the New Republic's positive intentions. This decision proved to be beneficial, as the alien communities accepted her appointment, enabling her to focus on building goodwill among the populace.
After the liberation, the New Republic task force assigned to assault Kal'Shebbol departed the planet after three days, heading to the Bozhnee sector to join another fleet group under the command of Captain Sarin Virgilio. This left the planet essentially defenseless, although the New Republic had pledged to deploy a defense force within three months. In the meantime, Monjai was compelled to search the planet and attempt to assemble a military force from whatever resources remained after the battle for the world.
Shortly after the New Republic task force's departure, the New Republic CR90 corvette FarStar, while in orbit of Kal'Shebbol preparing to track down Moff Sarne in the Kathol sector, intercepted a distress signal from the nearby planet of Kolatill. Following the New Republic's liberation of Kal'Shebbol, the people of Kolatill had also overthrown their Imperial governor. In response, Moff Sarne had ordered an attack on the planet's capital city of Domaz, carried out by the Ton-Falk-class escort carrier Kathol Protector. While the FarStar traveled to the planet to assist in recovery efforts, Monjai promised to send medical relief ships as soon as possible, though it would take two days to prepare them.
Several months after the FarStar left Kal'Shebbol, a New Republic force departed from the planet to assist the corvette after receiving progress updates through the Lifeline Project. The Lifeline Project was a communications link established by the FarStar's crew to maintain contact with the New Republic as they navigated the volatile and unstable Kathol Rift. However, due to the distance between Kal'Shebbol and the FarStar's location at the planet Kathol, it would take several weeks for the force to arrive and return. Upon the force's return with the victorious survivors of the FarStar's crew—the corvette having been lost during the Battle of Kathol, but Moff Sarne defeated—Monjai greeted them with enthusiasm.
Monjai's competence as an administrator and organizer led to her appointment on Kal'Shebbol, a planet in need of rebuilding after Sarne's departure and the New Republic's liberation. She also possessed a grasp of politics, understanding that winning over the population of Kal'Shebbol required public engagement and fostering positive relationships with various communities. She recognized that providing medical aid to Kolatill would enhance the New Republic's reputation in the sector and support victims of Imperial oppression. While Elomin were known for their logical nature, Monjai was not immune to displaying emotion, as demonstrated by her enthusiastic greeting of the FarStar's crew upon their return from their months-long mission.
Monjai's creation served as a background character in West End Games' 1995 publication, The DarkStryder Campaign, the initial installment in the multi-book adventure of the same name. Her purpose was to elaborate on the post-Sarne situation on Kal'Shebbol. She received a subsequent mention in Endgame, the series' final book, in 1996.