The Bozhnee sector, a region of space, was situated within the Outer Rim Territories. This sector shared borders with several other sectors, including Tungra, Videnda, Brema, Hadar, Juvex, and Senex sectors. Remarkably, the Bozhnee sector was home to at least six sentient species residing on various planets within its boundaries. A particular area within the sector, known as the Ninth Quadrant, had previously been a component of the adjacent Senex-Juvex region. However, the Galactic Republic seized control of this quadrant from the ruling Ancient Houses several centuries before the onset of the Galactic Civil War.
This relatively insignificant area of space, the Bozhnee sector, largely avoided the devastation of various galactic conflicts. However, the planet Belsavis held significance as the location of an ancient prison constructed by the Infinite Empire. During the Great Galactic War, the Galactic Republic repurposed this prison to house Sith and Mandalorian prisoners. Later, Belsavis served as a clandestine Jedi enclave, providing refuge for younglings fleeing the Galactic Empire after the galaxy-wide Jedi purge known as Order 66 following the Clone Wars. Imperial forces destroyed this enclave in 18 BBY, although most of the refugees managed to escape. Several systems within the sector, including Garnib, Ossel, and Brodogon systems, were associated with slavery. This connection, particularly in the Garnib and Ossel systems, stemmed from the era when the Ancient Houses of the Senex-Juvex region governed the Ninth Quadrant, exploiting the native populations for slave labor.
In 8 ABY, the Bozhnee sector became a point of contention between the remaining Imperial forces and the emerging New Republic. Supreme Commander Admiral Gial Ackbar deployed elements of the New Republic military to the sector to counter the strategic maneuvers of an Imperial Moff or admiral attempting to instigate unrest in the area. In 12 ABY, Belsavis was the location of an attempt by Roganda Ismaren, a former Emperor's Hand, to reestablish the Empire with her son, Irek, as its leader. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, Chief of State Leia Organa Solo of the New Republic, and her husband, Han Solo, intervened to thwart this plot.
The Bozhnee sector was a region situated in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy, specifically within the area known as the Trailing Sectors. It shared borders with the Tungra, Videnda, Brema, and Hadar sectors, as well as the Ninth Quadrant, a region formerly under the control of the Senex-Juvex—an autonomous area of space governed by a group of Ancient Houses. The Galactic Republic forcibly seized the Quadrant and incorporated it into the Bozhnee sector. As a result, the Bozhnee sector's boundaries expanded to adjoin both the Senex and Juvex sectors. At least three trade routes traversed the Bozhnee sector: the Velga Route, originating in the Velga system of the Juvex sector; the Anturi Reach, connecting the Senex sector to the Nothoiin Corridor; and the Belsavis Run, linking the planet Belsavis in the Bozhnee sector to the planet Tekurr'k in the Senex sector. Stellar phenomena in the region included the Greeb-Streebling Cluster, a collection of dust and protostars, and the Noopiths.

The Bozhnee sector encompassed numerous planets and star systems, with several harboring sentient species. Belsavis, an icy world situated at the end of the Belsavis Run, was the most prominent planet, exporting vine-coffee and vine-silk. Settlements on Belsavis were located within volcanic valleys, enclosed in domes to shield them from the frigid climate. Tens of thousands of years before the Galactic Civil War, the Infinite Empire controlled a vast portion of the galaxy. Belsavis was among the planets under their dominion, and the Empire established a prison on its surface to house the galaxy's most dangerous inmates, secured within vaults and stasis fields. Although the Infinite Empire eventually collapsed, the prison remained. Approximately fifty years before the outbreak of the Great Galactic War in 3681 BBY, the Galactic Republic discovered the prison with its inmates still contained. To mitigate any potential threat, the Republic stationed forces on the planet and established a new Republic prison known as "The Tomb". During the Great Galactic War, The Tomb served as a detention facility for captured Sith Lords, Mandalorians, and Sithspawn. Despite the Republic's efforts to maintain secrecy, Imperial Intelligence uncovered the prison's location, prompting the Sith Empire to dispatch ground forces to liberate their imprisoned allies, leading to intense battles both within and around the prison. Millennia later, Belsavis was inhabited by a humanoid species known as the Mluki, and following the Great Jedi Purge after the Clone Wars, it became a temporary haven for Jedi younglings who had survived the massacre of the Jedi Order.
Two planets, Garnib and Ossel II, were originally situated in the Ninth Quadrant, where the Lords of the Senex-Juvex procured slave species for use throughout their territories. With the Republic's annexation of the Quadrant, the native species—the Balinaka and the Ossans respectively—fell under Republic authority, although slave-breeding farms persisted on other worlds within the Senex and Juvex sectors. Garnib, another icy planet, primarily exported the highly valued, and potentially addictive, Garnib crystals. Operated by the Garnib Crystal Corporation, Garnib attracted artists from across the galaxy. It also became the adopted homeworld of the Vernol, who migrated to the planet in large numbers after their own homeworld became uninhabitable. With the rise of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, Garnib came under Imperial rule. The Garnib system also contained the planets Hultomo, Mastala, and Coomputu. Mastala later lent its name to a DP20 frigate that served the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. Ossel II, a swampy, high-gravity world, exported syp wood. The native Ossans routinely traded syp wood for indentured service aboard trader vessels, rejecting any other form of credits or barter.
Jankok was a warm planet inhabited by the Srrors'tok species. These technologically primitive beings lived in tribal hunting clans and adhered to an honor system similar to the life debts made famous by the Wookiees of Kashyyyk. The Sibilaar system was once home to the Sibilaari, but their homeworld suffered a cataclysm that destroyed the planet. However, the Sibilaari survived by constructing shelters in the most stable regions of their world. When the planet was destroyed, large fragments remained, many containing Sibilaari safely within their shelters. The Brodogon system, linked to the slaving organization known as the Brodogon Consortium, was also located in this sector.
The Bozhnee sector, situated in the Outer Rim Territories, initially bordered the Ninth Quadrant, a region of space on the fringe of the Senex and Juvex sectors. In 700 BBY, the ruling Ancient Houses of the region annexed the Ninth Quadrant to create a buffer zone against the growing political and industrial influence emanating from the planet Eriadu, which threatened their self-imposed isolation from the Republic. It was designated the Ninth Quadrant because the original territories claimed by the Houses of the Senex-Juvex numbered eight, with four in each of the Senex and Juvex sectors. In the century following the marriage of warlord Osted Picutorion to Princess Farasa Anturi—the unstable heir to one of the weaker Senex houses—in 553 BBY, the Senex-Juvex region underwent internal transformations as the Houses realized their isolation had caused them to lag behind the wider galaxy technologically. The alliance between Picutorion and House Anturi enabled them to defeat the combined forces of Houses Vandron and Petro, liberate the Hutlarians from slavery, and occupy the planet Karfeddion. With the end of the "Crimson Days" conflict, the Senex-Juvex faced several crises. House Mekuun, known for its rebellious tendencies, dissolved itself with the intention of reforming its holdings as a Republic sector. More significantly, the Republic forcibly seized the Ninth Quadrant from the Senex-Juvex region, integrating it into the Bozhnee sector. Despite this, the Houses of the Senex-Juvex continued to consider the Ninth Quadrant and its worlds as part of the Mid Rim, while official records classified the region as part of the Outer Rim Territories. Spacers continued to use the term "Ninth Quadrant" to refer to the area.
At some point, the Sibilaari homeworld suffered a catastrophe. Although the species received warnings of impending danger through their innate connection to the Force, they lacked the technology to evacuate their planet. Instead, they constructed shielded chambers in the most stable areas of the planet and retreated into these safe havens. When the planet was destroyed, large fragments of the crust were ejected into space, many carrying comatose Sibilaari secured within the shielded areas. These fragments drifted through the galaxy with their dormant passengers; one such fragment was discovered in 32 BBY in the Cularin system of the Expansion Region.

Around 50 BBY, a wave of immigration brought a large number of Vernols to settle on the planet Garnib. Their own homeworld had been rendered uninhabitable by a meteor strike, and they regarded Garnib as a safe, secure place to live. The native Balinaka allowed them to stay, although the two groups had limited contact.
During the Clone Wars, the Bozhnee sector was within Republic-controlled space. In 22 BBY, shortly after the Battle of Mon Calamari, Republic forces organized a mass evacuation of citizens from the planet Argul, located in the D'Aelgoth sector. The designated rendezvous point for the evacuation transports was near Belsavis. However, by 20 BBY, Belsavis was considered a neutral world, not aligned with either the Republic or the separatist Confederacy of Independent Systems.
In the final days of the Clone Wars in 19 BBY, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine—secretly a Sith Lord plotting the downfall of the Republic and Jedi Order—issued Order 66, declaring all Jedi traitors to the Republic and ordering their immediate termination. The Jedi had served as senior commanders of the Grand Army of the Republic, and most were killed across the galaxy by the clone troopers they commanded, although some managed to escape into hiding. A group of refugees, primarily younglings, fled to Belsavis, where the Ho'Din Jedi Master Plett had resided for approximately seventy years. Despite the younglings being under Plett's protection, the Empire discovered the enclave in 18 BBY. Initially, Emperor Palpatine commissioned the battlemoon Eye of Palpatine to destroy the refuge. However, a pair of Jedi Knights thwarted the superweapon in the Moonflower Nebula. As a contingency, a wing of Imperial starfighters attacked the enclave, causing minimal damage and allowing the refugees to escape.

During the Empire's reign, Garnib fell under Imperial control. Governor Verus Carbinol oversaw the planet, and the native Balinaka offered no resistance to their new Imperial rulers. They saw little value in engaging in armed conflict against an insurmountable enemy, so they continued their lives as before and paid their taxes promptly. The Imperial presence on the planet was generally low-key, as it was considered a safe and easy assignment. Despite the Balinaka's pacifism, an anti-Imperial movement emerged on the planet. During the Galactic Civil War, these fighters attempted to assassinate Gam Rothwall—an Imperial Advisor who had ordered the kidnapping and execution of several key Garnib Crystal Corporation officials—during a surprise inspection tour. The Empire also exploited Garnib for slave labor, placing it alongside worlds like Alzoc III and Trosh.
Following Emperor Palpatine's death at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the Empire fractured as senior officials vied for power and established warlord domains. For at least two years, the Bozhnee sector was controlled by Superior General Sander Delvardus's Eriadu Authority. In 8 ABY, the Bozhnee sector became a contested area between the New Republic and the remnants of the Empire. During the Republic's campaign to subdue several Imperial warlord domains, a senior Imperial official—believed to hold the rank of either Moff or admiral—began inciting unrest in the region. Faced with limited resources, Admiral Gial Ackbar, Supreme Commander of the New Republic Defense Force, was forced to redeploy his task forces to contain the Imperial official and neutralize the threat. The task force assigned to the liberation of the planet Kal'Shebbol in the Kathol sector was ordered to rendezvous with a fleet commanded by Sarin Virgilio in the Minos Cluster before proceeding to the area.
In 12 ABY, New Republic Intelligence received information from an informant on Nar Shaddaa that a shipment of Tenloss DXR-6 disruptor rifles en route to Belsavis had been stolen while the transport vessel was refueling at the Smugglers' Moon. New Republic Intelligence had no leads regarding the identity of the thieves or their motives for transporting the rifles to Belsavis.

In that very same year, Roganda Ismaren, previously known as the Emperor's Hand, initiated a scheme to resurrect the Empire, positioning her son, Irek Ismaren—who she asserted was Palpatine's offspring—as its leader. For the preceding seven years, she had been concealed on Belsavis, educating her son in the principles of the dark side of the Force. Utilizing a subelectronic converter, the boy gained the capability to manipulate machines by envisioning their blueprints. Roganda Ismaren sought backing from the Ancient Houses of the Senex-Juvex, and leveraged her son's abilities to reactivate the Eye of Palpatine, which had been inactive in the Moonflower Nebula for more than three decades. Her strategy involved combining the financial resources of the lords with the military strength of the battlemoon and other armaments she had accumulated over the years, hoping to galvanize support for their cause. However, Leia Organa Solo, the New Republic's Chief of State, and her spouse, Han Solo, were on Belsavis, probing into reports of the clandestine Jedi enclave formerly managed by Jedi Master Plett. Subsequently, Organa Solo was taken captive and used as a bargaining chip.
The Eye of Palpatine, brought back to life by Irek Ismaren, journeyed to Belsavis. Luke Skywalker, a Jedi Master, along with two of his trainees, had been seized by the automated battlemoon as it endeavored to execute its programmed objectives. These objectives included collecting detachments of stormtroopers stationed on various planets. However, given the passage of thirty years, the stormtroopers were either deceased or absent. Nevertheless, the Eye of Palpatine proceeded to gather indigenous species from the planets it visited, intending to fulfill its mission of eradicating the Jedi enclave. Through distinct endeavors, the Solos, aided by Mara Jade, successfully thwarted the Ismaren plot, while the Eye of Palpatine met its end when Nichos Marr, one of the Jedi students, gave his life to disable the battlemoon. The Ismarens managed to flee the planet, finding refuge in the Atravis sector.
By the year 137 ABY, the Bozhnee sector fell under the control of Darth Krayt's Sith-dominated Galactic Empire. This empire had ascended to power by manipulating the two leading factions of the era, the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances and the Fel Empire, into engaging in warfare. Following the conclusion of the conflict, which resulted in the Fel Empire's victory over the Galactic Alliance, Krayt seized the throne from Emperor Roan Fel and proclaimed himself the galaxy's supreme ruler.

The Balinaka were an amphibious mammals species that evolved on Garnib, a planet within the Garnib system. Originating from an arctic world, Balinaka possessed thick fur and a dual lung/gill respiratory system, enabling them to survive both on land and in water. Known for their individualism and affability, Balinaka maintained strong bonds with their families and communities, with their daily lives centered around the heswe, a large communal space serving as a meeting point, marketplace, and religious site. Characterized by their inquisitiveness and playfulness, they also had a fondness for creative arts. Despite their sentience, some Balinaka were enslaved by House Vandron in the Senex sector. Slave-breeding facilities on Karfeddion produced Balinaka slaves for deployment throughout the Senex-Juvex region.

The Mluki were a species indigenous to the planet Belsavis. Their lives were brief, reaching adolescence by age seven, and considered elderly by thirty. Mluki were hunchbacked, with their heads level with their shoulders and a prominent hump on their backs. They had heavy brow ridges. Mluki constructed stone settlements on Belsavis, cultivating small plots of land and undertaking hunting expeditions on their icy homeworld.

The Ossan were a humanoid species hailing from Ossel II in the Ossel system. While leading a primitive existence, they engaged with the broader galaxy by trading their services aboard ships of independent traders who visited their planet for syp wood. This often resulted in Ossan becoming indentured servants or slaves, a situation they perceived as a favorable exchange. Ossan fancied themselves astute negotiators, though this was rarely the case. Many Ossan were released from their contracts prematurely due to incompetence. Ossan breeding farms existed on Karfeddion in the Senex sector, where House Vandron employed them as slaves throughout the Senex-Juvex region.
The Sibilaari were a sentient, Force-sensitive species originating from a planet within the Sibilaar system. Reaching lengths of approximately three meters, Sibilaari possessed five limbs: three on the lower body and two upper appendages. Each limb ended in a four-fingered hand capable of delicate manipulation. Sibilaari were black in coloration and had six eyes arranged in a line between their upper limbs, lacking any other orifices. They could metabolize sound into energy, creating zones of complete silence around them. This ability also enabled them to absorb limited amounts of light and heightened their sensitivity to the Force. Consequently, they could survive in environments with sound, light, or the Force. Their connection to the Force alerted them to an impending catastrophe that threatened their homeworld. Lacking the means to evacuate, they constructed shielded structures in stable areas, taking refuge within them. When their world was ultimately destroyed, these shielded areas were propelled into space, carrying the comatose Sibilaari.

The Srrors'tok, native to Jankok, were a bipedal, felinoid species covered in short, golden fur. Their mouth structure made speaking Basic difficult, and their language, Hras'kkk'rarr, combined sign language, snarls, grunts, and clicks. They favored warm climates, wearing minimal clothing—belts and pouches for tools and weapons. However, they were vulnerable to cold, requiring layers of clothing for survival in frigid conditions. Technologically primitive, Srrors'tok lived in tribal communities with an honor-based societal structure akin to that of the Wookiees of Kashyyyk.

The Vernol were a race of stocky humanoids, averaging 1.5 meters in height, with blue skin and orange markings around their eyes and mouths. They inhabited Garnib, though it wasn't their original home. They migrated there roughly fifty years before the Galactic Civil War after a meteor strike rendered their planet uninhabitable. They considered Garnib a safe haven, and despite sharing the world with the native Balinaka, interactions were rare due to the Vernol's territoriality and skittish nature. Nevertheless, they were skilled foragers, capable of finding necessities wherever they went.
The Bozhnee sector was initially referenced in Timothy Zahn's 1995 short story, The Saga Begins, which served as an introduction to The DarkStryder Campaign published by West End Games. The sector remained unmentioned until the 2009 release of The Essential Atlas, which positioned the Bozhnee sector adjacent to the Senex and Juvex sectors and located the planet Belsavis within its confines. Furthermore, the online companion to the book, accessible on, listed several additional planets within the sector's boundaries.