DXR-6 disruptor rifle

The DXR-6 disruptor rifle represents a disruptor rifle design. It was produced in large quantities by the Tenloss Criminal Syndicate.


A Trandoshan firing a DXR-6

The DXR-6 was essentially a scaled-up version of the DX-2 disruptor pistol. In accordance with the status of all disruptor type weaponry, it was forbidden on civilized planets. It possessed the capability to disintegrate matter down to the molecular level and could tear apart living organisms with both efficiency and speed. Even a glancing hit could cause terrible harm. Typically, this weapon would result in instant death and often the only evidence of a target's existence would be a smoking pile of ash where the enemy once stood.

The DXR-6 had a limited ammunition capacity, holding either 5 or 10 shots. It could be equipped with a zoom scope, which allowed it to function as a long-range sniper rifle. Due to the significant energy requirement for generating a disruptor beam, the DXR-6 required a cooldown period exceeding 5 seconds before it could be fired again.

A variation of the DXR-6 disruptor rifle that was manufactured during the Galactic Civil War was known as the DXR-6b disruptor rifle.


Similar to the DX-2 disruptor pistol, the Tenloss Syndicate engaged in extensive sales of the DXR-6 disruptor rifles to the infamous Black Sun criminal organization. It is also known that a number of Imperial Inquisitors wielded this weapon to enhance their intimidation tactics.

Oppressor-7 class dark troopers also made use of this rifle.

Bounty hunters, assassins, and slavers were known to acquire the weapon through the black market.

The Zann Consortium and the Imperial Remnant both utilized the DXR-6. Despite its prohibited status, the Jedi Praxeum was known to permit Jedi Knights and apprentices to carry this weapon during field operations in the New Republic era.

Behind the scenes

There are noticeable discrepancies in the weapon's effective range as presented in The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide Saga Edition role-playing game supplement when compared to the range specified in The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology. Rather than having optimum and maximum ranges of 10 and 20 meters, respectively, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide classifies the DXR-6 disruptor rifle as a standard rifle, assigning it optimum and maximum ranges of 45 and 450 meters, respectively. This difference is likely attributed to the simplification and modification of role-playing game data for improved playability.

