Osted Picutorion was a male figure existing during the era of the Galactic Republic.
This individual, Picutorion, was a military leader, and in the year 553 BBY, he entered into matrimony with Farasa Anturi. Anturi was a mentally unstable royal member of the noble House Anturi, which had its power base situated within the Senex sector. Following the marriage, the House adopted the name "House Picutorion," and Picutorion became embroiled in a struggle against two competing Senex houses, namely House Vandron and House Petro. This clash of powers subsequently became historically known as the Crimson Days. Picutorion was victorious against the combined forces of Vandron and Petro. Following this, he liberated the Hutlarians from their subjugation to the Senex lords and took control of the world of Karfeddion. The Third Nantama Synod brought the conflict to a close by acknowledging Picutorion's marriage.