House Vandron

House Vandron was regarded as preeminent among the Ancient Houses that governed the Senex sector. Being the most ancient and respected of the Houses, it took its name from the originator of Senex-Juvex, Thull Vandron. Their home planet was Karfeddion, and they shared the planet Asmeru with House Elegin. As of 33 BBY, Lord Crueya Vandron and his wife Lady Theala were in charge. Under the Empire, Crueya Vandron went on to establish COMPNOR; however, his daughter, also named Theala Vandron, had inherited the title by 12 ABY.

House Vandron possessed a considerable naval force, which included Tikiar fighters and Dreadnaught cruisers. House Vandron sustained their wealth by selling the output of their agriculture, trading in the Human and Ossan slaves who toiled in the fields, and employing their fleet in acts of piracy and coercion.

At one point, a member of House Vandron was on the verge of marrying Tia Organa, but the planned union was called off due to a public scandal. In 12 ABY, they were significant supporters of Roganda Ismaren's endeavor to install her son Irek as Emperor.

