
The Balinaka (a single individual is a Balinak) represented a species of robust, amphibious mammals originating from the frigid arctic planet known as Garnib. Their bodies were shielded by a dense layer of fur. Uniquely, they possessed a combined lung and gill system, granting them the ability to respire both in the atmosphere and under water. Furthermore, they exhibited webbed digits and elongated, pliable tails. Balinaka were also blessed with exceptional eyesight, allowing them to see in conditions of low light. Their primary diet consisted of fish.

The Vernols shared Garnib as their homeworld. This world was characterized by extreme cold, featuring continents buried beneath glaciers that stretched for dozens of meters in depth. The Balinaka skillfully constructed entire subterranean cities referred to as Sewfes. Their talent extended to ice sculpting, a craft that earned them renown throughout the galaxy. Encounters with Balinaka were frequent enough among Rebel SpecOps personnel, resulting in the affectionate moniker "bears." Within the Senex sector, both Balinaka and Ossans were exploited as slaves by House Vandron on Karfeddion and adjacent worlds.

Biology and appearance

A group of Balinaka

Hailing from Garnib, the Balinaka were a species of sentient mammals that walked on two legs and stood approximately 4 meters tall at the shoulder. Their stature was quite remarkable when compared to Humans, the galaxy's most widespread and numerous species, who typically reached an average height of 1.70 meters. A dense white coat of fur covered their bodies, perfectly suited for the arctic climate of their homeworld. Despite their muscular build, their bodies were also lithe and flexible. They possessed elongated limbs, along with a lengthy, flexible tail and neck. Their hands featured four fingers, each connected by webbing and tipped with sharp claws. Similarly, their feet were webbed, with three toes pointing forward and a fourth toe facing backward.

Being an amphibious species, the Balinaka had adapted to thrive both on land and in water. Their unique respiratory system, incorporating both gills and lungs, enabled them to extract oxygen from both environments. Their faces were characterized by rounded ears, an extended muzzle with a black nose, and dark eyes. These eyes possessed a color sensitivity far surpassing that of Humans, along with a series of membranes that allowed them to regulate light intake. This adaptation allowed them to directly view a gleaming white ice sculpture under intense light without discomfort. Furthermore, it granted them exceptional night vision, allowing them to see clearly even in complete darkness.

Society and culture

Known for their playful and relaxed demeanor, the Balinaka often approached serious situations with a lighthearted attitude. While some outsiders mistakenly viewed them as simpletons, they were intelligent and capable of handling complex problems. Above all, they took immense pride in their ice sculptures, which were widely regarded as masterpieces throughout the galaxy. Their passion for sculpting led to the discovery of the renowned Garnib crystals, which brought prosperity to their planet. They resided in ice caves that were carved out, which were organized around a shared common area. This area would have all the technology and appliances, while small rooms were used by the adults for living. The children would share a single room. The concept of a shared area was used in their communities as well, with a heswe in the center of each community.


The icy planet Garnib and surrounding planets of the Outer Rim

The Balinaka's origins lie on Garnib, a world defined by its vast glaciers and icy oceans, situated within the Bozhnee sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Millennia before the Galactic Civil War, these bear-like sentients were celebrated for their inherent artistic sensibilities and their tradition of crafting personalized ice sculptures. However, these amphibious mammals might have remained obscure figures in galactic history were it not for the discovery of the remarkable Garnib Crystals. It was the renowned sculptor Vornest Dep-thesel Digarsarg who pioneered the incorporation of small gemstone fragments and colored pumice into his sculptures, resulting in a masterpiece titled "Crystal of the Stars." Abram Zavict, a Human and friend of the Balinak artist, recognized the potential for selling similar artworks off-world for substantial profits. This realization led to the establishment of Galactic Crystal Creations, a corporation owned by its employees that propelled the Balinaka into galactic prominence.

By 22 BBY, as the Clone Wars erupted, the Balinaka's homeworld was allied with the Galactic Republic, a democratic government spanning the galaxy that had been established approximately 25,000 years prior. With the war's conclusion in 19 BBY, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine declared himself Emperor and dismantled the democratic system. The Republic ceased to exist, replaced by the Galactic Empire. Driven by his vision of a New Order, the Emperor established military outposts on numerous worlds to assert control over planetary governments. Garnib, the Balinaka's homeworld, was no exception. An Imperial base, known as Garnib Station, was constructed on the icy planet, and Governor Verus Carbinol was appointed to maintain law and order on Garnib. However, due to the Balinaka's consistent tax payments and their amiable interactions with the Imperials, Garnib's social and political environment remained largely unchanged. Despite their compliant behavior, the Imperial occupiers reclassified the Balinaka as a slave species.

Following its defeat at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the Galactic Empire fragmented into various factions. The Balinaka's fate then fell to Sander Delvardus, who proclaimed himself the Superior General of the Eriadu Authority.

Balinaka in the galaxy

The dancing Balinaka at the podracers' hovel

During the decline of the Galactic Republic, a group of Balinaka dancers journeyed to Tatooine, a planet scorched by the sun in the Tatoo system. Shortly before the Boonta Eve Classic in 32 BBY, these performers entertained audiences at the podracers' hovel with a chorus-line routine. Fodesinbeed Annodue, a two-headed Troig and local celebrity on Tatooine, was particularly fond of their performances. Around the same time, a contingent of Balinaka traveled to Ando Prime, a world in the Mid Rim, to attend the podracing events.

At the peak of the Galactic Civil War, a widespread conflict between Palpatine's Empire and the Rebel Alliance, the Balinaka were a common enough sight that members of the Rebel SpecOps developed the slang term "bear" to refer to them.

Within the Senex sector, a region governed by an alliance of "Ancient Houses," Balinaka were captured and forced into slavery by Lady Theala Vandron Jr., the leader of House Vandron. As a result, Lady Vandron was accused of inhumanity by the New Republic High Court in 12 ABY.

Behind the scenes

A group of dancing Balinaka, as painted by Maryn Roos

The Balinaka were first mentioned in Planets of the Galaxy, Volume One, a supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published by West End Games in 1991. Four years later, the species was briefly mentioned in Children of the Jedi, a novel authored by Barbara Hambly and released in 1995 by Bantam Spectra. In this novel, they were mentioned alongside Ossans, with their name misspelled as "Bilanaka." Leland Chee, an official at Lucasfilm who maintains the Holocron continuity database, has confirmed that "Balinaka" is the correct spelling of the species' name.

In 2000, the Balinaka appeared in Star Wars: Anakin's Speedway, an educational game produced by Lucas Learning. Maryn Roos, the Lead Artist on the project, made the decision to include these bear-like creatures in the game. After selecting three distinct worlds to host the podraces, Roos reviewed Star Wars reference materials in search of characters to populate these planets. She discovered the Balinaka in older West End Games RPG resources and chose to incorporate them into the Ando Prime track.

