Boonta Eve Classic (32 BBY)

The Boonta Eve Classic of 32 BBY, a podrace event, served as a commemoration of Boonta's Eve. This spectacle was presented by Jabba Desilijic Tiure, commentated on by Fodesinbeed, and took place at the Mos Espa Grand Arena on Tatooine.

The Race's Preamble

Just days prior to the race, Jedi Knights Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi were compelled to land Queen Padmé Amidala's royal starship on Tatooine. Discovering that the only means to acquire a replacement hyperdrive generator necessitated the use of Tatooine currency, Jinn encountered a young Anakin Skywalker at Watto's establishment. After meeting Anakin's mother, Shmi, Anakin enthusiastically proposed using his own podracer in the race; victory would secure the needed parts for the Naboo vessel.

Qui-Gon also negotiated an arrangement: Anakin's triumph in the race would grant him his freedom.


The Race Itself

Jabba opens the race

As the starting lights turned green, the drivers activated their thrusters and accelerated forward, with the exception of Anakin Skywalker and Ben Quadinaros. Anakin successfully started his pod and subsequently joined the other racers. Meanwhile, Sebulba propelled Mawhonic's podracer into a cliff face, resulting in the destruction of his vehicle. Mawhonic survived the crash and he placed a bounty on at least two members of Sebulba's family, which was claimed by Jango Fett. Anakin advanced by overtaking Wan Sandage, Neva Kee, Dud Bolt, and Clegg Holdfast. Approaching Laguna Cave, Anakin overtook Boles Roor and Ebe Endocott, positioning himself behind Ratts Tyerell. Within the Laguna Caves, Tyerell's podracer collided with a stalactite, resulting in his immediate death. Upon exiting the cave, Anakin's pod came under fire from Tusken Raiders. Ben Quadinaros's pod experienced further malfunctions as the power couplings disengaged. This led to the pod's disintegration as the engines separated in different directions, forcing Quadinaros to stop. Simultaneously, the leading five podracers crossed the finish line: Sebulba, Gasgano, Ody Mandrell, Teemto Pagalies, and Aldar Beedo. Mandrell made a pit stop, during which his pit droid DUM-4 wrecked his left engine.

During the second lap, Sebulba employed an illicit flamethrower to damage the engines of Clegg Holdfast, causing Holdfast to lose control and crash into the canyon wall. Concurrently, Anakin trailed Gasgano, and when he attempted to pass, Gasgano mirrored his movements, obstructing him. This sequence repeated twice until they reached a ramp, where Anakin capitalized on the opportunity to accelerate mid-air, surpassing Gasgano. He also narrowly avoided destruction by Teemto Pagalies when an insect entered his eye, causing him to lose control of his podracer. After overtaking Aldar Beedo, Anakin ascended to third position, behind Mars Guo. Sebulba launched a piece of metal into Guo's massive engine, destroying it. Guo's crash resulted in wreckage severing one of Anakin's cables. Anakin was overtaken by Gasgano, Teemto Pagalies, and Ark Roose while repairing the cable. Subsequently, he sped past the three who had overtaken him. Now chasing Sebulba, Anakin navigated the Canyon Dune Turn at high speed, where his pod sustained another hit from the Tuskens. Teemto Pagalies was less fortunate, as his pod's fuel tank was struck, causing him to crash. The Tusken Raiders targeted Jawas scavenging parts from Pagalie's podracer. Sebulba attempted to use his flamethrower on Anakin, but Anakin dodged it. Neva Kee strayed off course in the second lap in Hutt Flats, and was never seen again.

Sebulba's Plug-F Mammoth vs Anakin Skywalker's Podracer.

During the third lap, Anakin and Sebulba raced neck and neck for almost the entire distance. A minor collision in Beggar's Canyon forced Anakin onto a service ramp, causing him to fall slightly behind. A swift control thrust enabled Anakin to leap over Sebulba, seizing the lead as they entered Arch Canyon. This advantage was fleeting, as Anakin had to address a malfunctioning engine resulting from Sebulba's pre-race sabotage. He lost ground while making repairs mid-race. Other racers crashed during the third lap, including Dud Bolt and Ark Roose, who collided, destroying both pods. Wan Sandage lost control and crashed into a stray Sandcrawler. After restarting his engine, Anakin accelerated and caught up with Sebulba before reaching the Hutt Flats at the Devil's Doorknob. At the lap's conclusion, Anakin and Sebulba's cockpits became entangled. Anakin used a boost to break free, resulting in Sebulba's engines detaching and crashing. Anakin secured the victory and was awarded the Boonta Cup.

The celebration after Skywalker's victory

Anakin Skywalker's Victory

Despite Sebulba's schemes and favorable odds, the Force guided Anakin to a first-place finish. This outcome was a surprising defeat for the established Dug champion. He became the first human to achieve victory in the race. Anakin's triumph extended beyond the race itself; the young slave also gained his freedom.

Nearly seventy years later, the bounty hunter Aurra Sing recalled that Anakin's victory stemmed from adhering to the rules, in a race where none existed.

Behind the Curtains

The Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace novelization, penned by Terry Brooks and released just before the film's debut in 1999, indicates that racers Obitoki, Habba Kee, and Xelbree participated in this race. In the novel, Obitoki and Habba Kee die in an accident caused by Sebulba, and they appear in the script in the same context, but neither is seen in the film. Furthermore, Star Wars: Episode I Incredible Cross-Sections confirms that eighteen racers qualified and competed in the Boonta Eve Classic, although these three are absent from the provided list. Consequently, this article considers Obitoki's presence in the novel as of ambiguous canonical status. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, published in 2008, acknowledges the existence of Kee and Obitoki and their crash in its entry on Obitoki, but the occurrence of the wreck during the Boonta and their deaths remains unclear. Xelbree also received a mention in that reference book.

