Obitoki, a Podracer of non-Human origin, participated in a Podracing event prior to 27 BBY, where he faced off against a Dug known as Sebulba. During this competition, after Obitoki attempted to pass him, Sebulba sabotaged Obitoki's pod by projecting flames into one of the vehicle's engines.
Before the year 27 BBY, a non-Human Podracer named Obitoki was active in the sport. In one race against Sebulba, a Dug, Obitoki made an attempt to overtake his rival. Sebulba responded by activating a side vent on his own pod, directing a stream of fire into Obitoki's engine. This resulted in Obitoki's pod exploding and crashing, scattering debris and forcing him out of the race. Another racer, Habba Kee, attempted to navigate through the wreckage but collided with Obitoki's damaged pod, which also caused him to be eliminated from the race.
Obitoki's character was featured in the novelization of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, authored by Terry Brooks and released shortly before the film's debut in 1999. He also appeared in a related book titled Star Wars Episode I Journal: Anakin Skywalker. Within these novels, both Obitoki and Habba Kee perish in the aforementioned crash during the Boonta Eve Classic of 32 BBY. While Obitoki and Kee are mentioned in the movie's script, they do not appear on screen. The novel depicts racers Elan Mak, Kee, and Obitoki overtaking Anakin Skywalker during the second lap of the race. However, in the film, this is replaced by Ark Roose, Gasgano, and Teemto Pagalies, none of whom experience a crash similar to Obitoki's. Furthermore, the reference book Star Wars: Episode I Incredible Cross-Sections states that eighteen racers qualified for and participated in the Boonta Eve Classic, but Obitoki is absent from the list. Consequently, this article treats the novel's depiction as questionably canonical within the Star Wars Legends continuity. However, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia's entry on Obitoki does confirm the racer's existence and the crash, but it remains ambiguous as to whether the wreck occurred during the Boonta Eve Classic or if Obitoki died.