Children of the Jedi

The Jedi children, consisting of Jedi trainees and numerous younglings, escaped the Jedi Temple around the time the Great Jedi Purge occurred. Within this group was a male Human who played a mandolin, a young girl named Margolis Mingla who aided in caring for the children, the Ho'Din Brigantes Ustu, Nichos Marr, Hoddas Umgil, and the parents of the Ismaren siblings Lagan and Roganda. While most of the dozens of children were Human, there were also Wookiees, Bith, a Twi'lek, and an Ithorian.

The Jedi Master [Plett],(/article/plett) a Ho'Din who had been living in seclusion on Belsavis for seventy years, offered the group shelter in his compound. However, the Galactic Empire discovered their location and sent the dreadnaught Eye of Palpatine to eliminate them. Callista Masana and Geith Eris, two Altisian Jedi who had been in contact with Plett, managed to board and disable the dreadnaught as it traversed the Moonflower Nebula. When the dreadnaught failed to arrive, the Emperor deployed a small attack force. Plett and the Jedi successfully defended themselves using Y-wings. Subsequently, Plett and the children left Belsavis and went their separate ways.

Among the scattered Jedi who escaped, Inquisitor Ameesa Darys captured the Ismaren siblings, Lagan and Roganda. She killed Lagan, and Roganda was turned to the dark side, ultimately becoming one of the Emperor's Hands. Another of the Jedi children, Nichos Marr, underwent Jedi training at the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4 briefly before succumbing to the deadly Quannot's Syndrome. While the other Jedi children survived, knowledge of Plett's Well was suppressed, but the House of Organa was aware of its existence.

Behind the scenes

Barbara Hambly created this group of refugees for her novel, Children of the Jedi (1995). Because it was written before the release of the prequel movies and their taboo on marriage, the "Children of the Jedi" were originally understood to be the children and spouses of Jedi Knights. However, The New Essential Guide to Characters (2002), published after the prequel movies, retconned the children to be younglings from the Jedi Temple.

