Geith Eris, a Jedi Knight of the Human male persuasion, received his training from Djinn Altis aboard the second Chu'unthor. This occurred during the declining years of the Galactic Republic. Notably, he sported a solitary gold earring.
Geith, a male Human with rust-colored [hair](/article/hair-legends], hailed from Bespin. It was on Bespin that Callista Ming enlisted him into the ranks of the Jedi Order, and he subsequently developed romantic feelings for her. During the Great Jedi Purge, Geith and Callista were among those Jedi who sought refuge on Belsavis. Master Plett sent them on a mission, utilizing a Y-wing, to penetrate the defenses of the Eye of Palpatine. Once they had boarded the vessel, they came to the realization that they could not single-handedly thwart the Eye of Palpatine. The two Jedi had a difference of opinion regarding how to obtain assistance. Geith, in the end, persuaded Callista to permit him to attempt an escape from the Eye of Palpatine using a Skipray Blastboat, thereby leaving Callista to her own devices as she tried to disable the ship. Geith had the impression that he had deciphered the firing pattern of the Eye of Palpatine's automated defense systems. Unfortunately for Geith, he was mistaken, and he was struck by an unforeseen blast from the Eye of Palpatine's automated weaponry. This unexpected hit caused his Skipray Blastboat to collide with an asteroid, resulting in the destruction of Geith's vessel.