Plett's Well

Plett's Well, alternatively known as Plettwell or Plawal, functioned as a settlement located on the world of Belsavis.

Distinguishing Features

The city was situated between towering cliffs of red-black rock formations. During the age of the New Republic era, it was governed by Jevax, who was a Mluki. A dense mist, reeking of sulfur, saturated the valley, severely limiting visibility to only a few meters. The storm-ridden, ionized atmosphere of Belsavis presented significant challenges for sensor probes and spacecraft landings. The Corridor, located in the planet's southern hemisphere, was the only area with atmospheric stability. Smugglers executed the perilous Belsavis Run by entering through the Corridor and skimming the icy surface to reach the illicit landing platforms on the glaciers.

Natural rock formations, resembling "benches," ascended towards the cliff faces, providing a limited foundation for dwellings and orchards. The majority of buildings were constructed using prefabricated components and were tightly packed together on small plots due to the confined space of the rift. Residences in the older part of the city were built directly above thermal springs.

Plawal's primary docking silos were interconnected via tunnels to the Port Offices and the broader city. This included connections to canneries, the Brathflen Corporation's Medcenter, Old Orchard Street, the seven principal silk-packing facilities, the MuniCenter, an import/export business situated on Pandowirtin Lane, and the Bubbling Mud cafe located off Brandifert Court. Establishments such as Madame Lota's House of Flowers, a brothel, and disreputable cantinas like the Smoking Jets and the Jungle Lust were located along Spaceport Row.

A dwelling on Painted Door Street provided access to Plawal's extensive network of underground crypts. Within these crypts were xylen chips and gold wiring originating from the abandoned laboratories of Jedi Master Plett. These crypts were guarded by long-forgotten, mind-controlled smugglers who were under the Force influence of Irek Ismaren.

Historical Context

In 88 BBY, the Ho'Din Jedi Master Plett constructed a house and laboratory within the Plawal Rift. This location later became a sanctuary for Jedi children and families seeking refuge from the Emperor's Great Jedi Purge. In 18 BBY, Emperor Palpatine tasked the battlemoon Eye of Palpatine with eliminating the Jedi enclave, but the vessel never reached its destination.

A smaller backup force of interceptors dispatched by Palpatine bombed Plawal, but they were destroyed by Belsavis's Y-wings. Subsequently, the Jedi departed for undisclosed locations, erasing all traces of their presence from the city's inhabitants.

Following their departure, the Brathflen Corporation, Galactic Exotics, and Imperial Exports arrived, enclosing the valley with domes to cultivate vine-coffee and vine-silk. Around this time, Nubblyk the Slyte began constructing landing platforms on the glaciers, marking the beginning of significant smuggling activity. A small contingent of tariff police left by the region's Imperial Governor proved ineffective against the smugglers.

Before the Battle of Yavin, Brathflen constructed the first light-amplification domes over Plawal, utilizing Plett's original design. The three companies then collaborated with Kuat to install a central computer system. Approximately one year after the Battle of Endor, the Slyte vanished and was replaced by his associate Bran Kemple, leading to a decline in the Belsavian smuggling industry.

In that same year, Roganda Ismaren, one of the Emperor's Hands, arrived in Plawal. Eight years after the Battle of Endor, Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo visited Belsavis and uncovered a scheme by Ismaren to establish a military alliance with the Senex Lords.

