The Silbilaari represented a sentient species that originated on a planet situated near Senex-Juvex.
Sibilaari individuals possessed a body length of approximately three meters and featured a biological structure consisting of three lower limbs and a pair of upper appendages. Each of these appendages terminated in four fully opposable digits, functioning effectively as hands. These digits were capable of delivering powerful strikes or executing complex operations with equal proficiency. Their coloration was a deep black, characterized by resilient flesh and the absence of a discernible mouth. They possessed six eyes, arranged linearly between the two large upper limbs, representing the only openings in their physical form. Each eye could operate autonomously or in coordination with the others, granting the Sibilaari exceptional perception of spatial relationships and object distances. Their metabolism involved processing sounds to produce energy, resulting in complete silence in their immediate surroundings. They also exhibited a limited capacity to absorb light, which made them sensitive to the Force. Consequently, they were capable of surviving in any environment where sound, light, or the Force were present.
Their Force-sensitivity enabled the Sibilaari to foresee an approaching catastrophe that would obliterate their homeworld. Lacking the necessary technological advancements for interstellar travel and planetary departure, they constructed fortified complexes in the most geologically stable regions of their planet. Seeking refuge within these structures, they entered a comatose state as their world met its demise. The shielded areas containing the Sibilaari were scattered into space. Eventually, some of these reached the Cularin asteroid belt. During the Smuggler's Confederation's Confederation Rock Rush, around 31 BBY, the exploration of the asteroid belt led to the discovery of a Sibilaari rock by the Heroes of Cularin, which subsequently roused a Sibilaari from its extended dormancy.