Lifeline Project

Brophar Tofarain and Lofryyhn work on a probe droid assigned to the Lifeline Project The crew of the CR90 corvette named FarStar developed an inventive strategy called the Lifeline Project. This project was implemented to maintain communication with New Republic forces located at Kal'Shebbol. Because of the radiation and energy disturbances originating from the Kathol Rift, the ship was cut off from long-range communication with Kal'Shebbol. Brophar Tofarain and Lofryyhn, the primary mechanics aboard the FarStar, engineered a communication network that utilized the ship's six probe droids.

The plan was to deploy each droid at a specific location within the Rift, where they would serve as a relay and amplify communication signals. The droids were reprogrammed to continuously survey the Rift, allowing them to move to safer locations. However, the Lifeline Project's effectiveness was limited because communication with Kal'Shebbol was only one-way; the Farstar crew could transmit messages but not get any back. Furthermore, the loss of even one probe droid would have broken the communication chain.

A somewhat permanent repair and supply station was set up on the planet known as Demonsgate, which sat on the Rift's border. Firdaaz, a Socorran scout, offered to stay on the planet and operate the station.

