"Gammer" Firdaaz, a male Human scout hailing from the planet Socorro, dedicated most of his existence to the exploration of diverse worlds. Although he was an alcoholic and frequently inebriated, Firdaaz possessed extensive knowledge and remarkable survival capabilities. During 8 ABY, he arrived on Kal'Shebbol, the [capital](/article/capital/legends] sector of the Kathol sector, and subsequently enlisted with the crew of the New Republic CR90 corvette FarStar, which had been tasked with locating the Imperial warlord Moff Kentor Sarne. Sarne had governed Kal'Shebbol until the planet's liberation by the New Republic, but he escaped during the conflict, taking the majority of his fleet with him. Unlike many of his fellow crew members, Firdaaz had no personal investment in the mission, nor did he seek retribution against Sarne; his sole desire was to explore as many planets as possible before his death. Firdaaz remained on the FarStar until the vessel reached Demonsgate, a planet situated on the edge of the Kathol Rift, a treacherous region of space characterized by thick gas clouds and lightstorms that interfered with sensors, navigational equipment, and communication systems. He volunteered to stay on the planet to maintain the Lifeline Project, a communications link that served as the corvette's only connection to New Republic forces stationed on Kal'Shebbol.
The male Human Firdaaz, born on Socorro, was a scout for most of his life, exploring a multitude of planets. Firdaaz, also an alcoholic, frequently spent his time in a drunken haze. At some point, he earned the moniker "Gammer." In 8 ABY, the aging Firdaaz found himself on Kal'Shebbol, the capital of the Kathol sector in the Outer Rim Territories, when the New Republic liberated it.
Firdaaz became aware of the New Republic's mission to pursue Moff Kentor Sarne, the Imperial warlord who had governed Kal'Shebbol and the Kathol sector. Sarne had escaped the planet with most of his forces, and the New Republic dispatched a single vessel, the modified CR90 corvette FarStar, in pursuit. Due to staffing shortages, the New Republic had to recruit crew members from Kal'Shebbol's population. Driven by a strong desire to experience as much of the galaxy as possible before his death, Firdaaz enlisted as a scout, believing his skills would benefit the mission. Unlike many of his new colleagues, Firdaaz had no personal vendetta against the Moff. His alcoholism, however, impacted his duties, as he was often intoxicated. He bonded with other crew members who shared his problem, and they often hid to indulge whenever alcohol was found or smuggled aboard.
Several weeks into the FarStar's journey, the ship stopped at Binaros to restock food after crossing the Marcol Void, a vast emptiness of space. The landing party inadvertently brought feeder plant spores aboard, some of which settled in the corvette's lower forward hold. As the plant grew, mobile feeders were dispatched to provide nutrients and water. Firdaaz, sleeping in an alcove after drinking, was awakened by the small plant creatures poking him. Frightened, he ran to the bridge and told Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum, ranting about "beasties" on the ship and demanding action. The crew investigated but found no evidence, dismissing it due to Firdaaz's intoxication. They later discovered Firdaaz was correct and had to fight the plant after it sought nitrogen from living blood. Varel DeVay, a scientist in the hydroponic bays, created a gaseous poison to kill the plant.
Months after departing Kal'Shebbol, the FarStar traversed the volatile Kathol Rift gas cloud. The intense radiation and energy storms in the Rift made long-range communication with New Republic forces on Kal'Shebbol impossible. To address this, Brophar Tofarain and Lofryyhn, the FarStar's chief mechanics, developed the Lifeline Project, using six probe droids at strategic points in the Rift as a communications relay. Demonsgate, at the Rift's edge, was chosen as the project's endpoint, and Firdaaz volunteered to maintain a semi-permanent facility for the link. Despite initial skepticism, Captain Adrimetrum agreed. Maintaining the Lifeline Project was crucial, allowing the Bothan Combat Response Element, which had been tailing the ship, to reinforce the corvette during the Battle of Kathol, where New Republic forces defeated Moff Sarne.
"Gammer" Firdaaz had dark skin, white hair, and a mustache. He was always convinced he knew best and voiced his opinions clearly, quickly criticizing others' unsuccessful attempts. Though not part of the FarStar's command crew, Firdaaz acted as if he were, needing correction. Firdaaz was an alcoholic, often drunk, ensuring he was near a bottle of Socorran raava. Sober, Firdaaz was grumpy, unwilling to follow orders, and needed incentives to work.
An experienced scout, Firdaaz possessed extensive survival skills and was an experienced tracker, abilities that helped him to stay alive on the hostile planets he explored. Only truly happy when he had the solid ground of a new world under his feet and he was allowed to explore, Firdaaz quickly grew tired of shipboard life during the FarStar's mission and relished the opportunity to disembark and scout a new planet. To assist him in his scouting duties, he carried a blaster pistol, a knife, a breath mask, macrobinoculars, a medpac, and protective goggles.
Firdaaz had a knowledge of alien species and planetary systems, and could use a personal blaster or ones mounted to vehicles. He also had some training in melee combat. He was able to plot courses through hyperspace, operate and repair repulsorlift vehicles, and ride animals. He was also trained in first aid.
"Gammer" Firdaaz was created for The DarkStryder Campaign by West End Games for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. He was a member of the support crew and appeared only sporadically throughout the subsequent supplements The Kathol Outback and The Kathol Rift. While players had the freedom to develop Firdaaz as they saw fit, The DarkStryder Campaign stated that he was to remain alive as he would be developed in later supplements.