Demonsgate, alternatively called NCW-86, existed as a planet situated in the Kathol Rift of the Outer Rim, not far from Yvara. The planet often seemed to be covered in flames when viewed from space. This was caused by volcanic activity releasing ionized particles into the atmosphere, which then interacted with debris drawn in from the Rift. Contrary to its appearance, Demonsgate supported a thriving biosphere with numerous native, non-sapient organisms.
Despite being habitable, the planet was quite dry, with the majority of its water located underground. The numerous active volcanoes made the planet prone to seismic activity, and the interaction of underground lava flows with underground water pockets resulted in frequent superheated geysers erupting on the surface.
Imperial Survey 1982376 found Demonsgate and gave it the name NCW-86. Makezh pilfered the Codex from the FarStar when it arrived at Demonsgate, subsequently crashing onto the planet. The Aing-Tii Monks rescued Makezh and retrieved the Codex. When the FarStar departed from Demonsgate, "Gammer" Firdaaz remained there to continue the New Republic's Lifeline Project.